The last month saw many events occur in Null Security space, as the Halloween War entered its fourth month between the N3 and the RUS Coalitions, with the CFC backing the RUS Coalition. However, alongside it, many other noteworthy events occurred, some of them influenced by, or influencing the course of the war. Here is a brief summary of all the events reported by EVE News 24, with links to the full stories, for the month of March, in chronological order.
2.3.2014 – H.E.R.O Coalition is formed by the four alliances: Brave Collective, Nexus Fleet, Spaceship Samurai and Test Alliance Please Ignore. With fourteen thousand pilots and no affiliation with any of the current sovereignty holding power blocs, everyone watches with care what this new coalition will do.
An N3 POS bashing operation in the Detorid region turns into a large fleet fight as RUS Coalition forces bridge into the ZLO3-V system in order the interfer. RUS Coalition Tengu fleet is defeated by the Navy Issue Apocalypse fleet fielded by N3.
3.3.2014 – A battle between CFC forces and Fountain Core on a Tower in the Serpentis Prime system, Fountain region, claims more than two hundred victims, with CFC decidedly losing the ISK war but winning the strategic objective.
5.3.2014 – The newly formed H.E.R.O Coalition makes its move and starts its first deployment to the Sendaya system, Derelik region. Though no one is certain who the intended target is for their deployment, speculation is rife within the EVE Community, with Against ALL Authorities Alliance, Providence-Bloc and even the Curse region tossed into air..
7.3.2014 – Kenshin Corporation leaves Against ALL Authorities Alliance, presumably for Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance. Though no official reason is given, most speculate past disagreements with Against ALL Authorities Alliance leadership to be the cause. Kenshin was one of the most active PvP corporations in -A-, specifically in the Australian Time Zone. Its departure will impact -A- fleet operations.
9.3.2014 – Massive brawl in the Sendaya system, Derelik region, between Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance, CFC, Black Legion Alliance and H.E.R.O Coalition sees NC(dot) forces losing an entire Navy Issue Apocalypse fleet to the combined forces of the CFC and H.E.R.O Coalition.
10.3.2014 – Darkness of Despair Alliance disbands. In a shocking move that confused many, the Alliance officially closes, dropping sovereignty in sixty-four systems, including the majority of the Tenerifis region. Though no official reason is given, speculation has it that tension between Ukrainian and Russian corporations in the Alliance reached a breaking point due to real world political events.
11.3.2014 – Against ALL Authorities Alliance Leviathan class Titan is destroyed in the Mai system, Domain region. The Titan was newly purchased and travel fitted to reach -A- staging system, but was intercepted midway by Outbreak & Phobia alliances members. The Titan’s destruction was hastened by the arrival of a Black Legion fleet.
13.3.2014 – Fatal Ascension Alliance Nyx class Mothership is destroyed by LowSechnaya Sholupen, No value and U.C.F. Alliance fleet in 6VDT-H system, Fountain region. Fight erupted on station between the two groups with Capital ships deployed on the field. Though the Nyx class Mothership died, Fatal Ascension did manage to destroy fourteen Dreadnaught class ships, evening the score.
14.3.2014 – Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance loses two Nyx class Motherships to a trap laid by Against ALL Authorities Alliance in the GE-8JV system, Catch region. The two Nyx class Motherships were fishing for Capital class ship kills when a Thanatos class Carrier turned out to be a bait, allowing for an -A- fleet to bubble and later kill the two.
15.3.2014 – SOLAR FLEET Alliance Nyx class Mothership is destroyed in the PDF-3Z system, Tenerifis region by N3 forces. The Nyx class Mothership was bumped away from the Tower, and destroyed. However, after its destruction a fight broke out between N3 and RUS Coalition forces in the system, ending with N3’s victory, but not without losses.
16.3.2014 – Battle erupts in the W-Q233 system, Stain region, when an Avatar class Titan belonging to Nullsec Ninjas Alliance accidentally jumps into the system instead of bridging. The Titan is tackled and attacked by C0ven Alliance, who brings Dreadnaught class ships unto the field. Nullsec Ninjas contacts Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance, who brings a super-capital fleet to the aid of the Nullsec Ninjas Titan. They manage to clear the field and rescue the Titan with minimal losses.
18.3.2014 – SOLAR FLEET Alliance Avatar class Titan is destroyed in the 9-8GBA system, Catch region, when a failed drive by doomsday attempt nets the Titan in a Pandemic Legion Alliance trap laid out for a SOLAR FLEET Tengu fleet. The Titan is quickly destroyed, alongside the SOLAR FLEET force that tried to save it, adding to the loss.
20.3.2014 – SOLAR FLEET Alliance Nyx class Mothership is destroyed in the 2PG-KN system, Tenerifis region. The Nyx class Mothership was used to evacuate assets from a station, but unfortunately, didn’t know that Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance Fleet Commander, Travis Musgrat, had an alt account in the system by coincidence. Northern Coalition(dot) hastily formed and Travis used his alt account to lit a cynosural beacon, allowing NC(dot) Capital fleet to land on top of the Nyx and quickly obliterate it.
Hand of Despair Alliance is set blue to N3 Coalition.A Hand of Despair operated as a renter alliance for Darkness of Despair Alliance, but after its disband became a shelter for some of its corporations. This marks an official surrender of the Alliance and a possible evacuation and a peaceful transfer of sovereignty to N3 entities.
21.3.2014 – A Ragnarok class Titan is destroyed in the Chamja system, Genesis region when its new owner jumps into the system only to have a Heavy Interdictor class Cruiser land near him, instantly de-cloaking and tackling him. The Heavy Interdictor lights a cynosural beacon, allowing Shadow Cartel Alliance forces to jump into the field and quickly annihilate the Titan.
A Nyx and Wyvern class Motherships are destroyed in two separate incidents. The Nyx class Mothership was destroyed in the SUR-F7 system, The Great Wildlands region, while removing Planetary Customs offices by Hashashin Cartel. The Wyvern class Mothership was destroyed in the Yong system, Tash-Murkon region when jumping in the system without a Tower by Pandemic Legion Alliance, who had intelligence of its activities.
23.3.2014 – Broski North Corporation leaves Black Legion Alliance. The Corporation left due to tensions between it and the Black Legion Alliance leadership, as well as newer corporations in Alliance. The corporation had a sizeable Capital and Mothership class fleet, something that is guaranteed to impact Black Legion operations in the future.
Gajin Carrier Event in the Onne system, Essence region, sees roughly nine hundred pilots fighting in the system. The winner is Wex Manchester from Snuff Box Corporation in a Proteus, who wins a total of two point five billion ISK.
24.3.2014 – Nexus Fleet Alliance effectively shuts down, with remaining members joining Nulli Secunda Alliance. Nexus Fleet Alliance was a founding member of the H.E.R.O Coalition, however, it seems that leadership burnout as well as internal problems were threatening the Alliance, and a decision was made to transfer all active pilots to a new corporation, Nexus Fleet Inc, who will promptly join Nulli Secunda Alliance, rather than face a continued danger of fail cascade.
26.3.2014 – Black Core Alliance Nyx class Mothership is destroyed by CFC forces in the Y-N4EF system, Immensea region. The Nyx class Mothership was reinforcing a station when Interdictor class Destroyers belonging to the CFC logged in the system and quickly tackled it. Once tackled, they lit a cynosural beacon which allowed a CFC Typhoon class Battleship fleet with forty assorted Dreadnaught class Capital ships to jump into the system and on the Nyx, which was quickly destroyed.
GoonSwarm Federation Alliance Avatar class Titan is destroyed by Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance in the GXK-7F system, Immensea region. The Titan was scouted by accident, and the Northern Coalition(dot) Alliance Fleet Commander, Travis Musgrat, decides to jump in Titans in order to destroy it. With one doomsday volley from twelve Titans, the GoonSwarm Federation Avatar class Titan is destroyed.
29.3.2014 – Razor Alliance Aeon class Mothership is destroyed by N3 forces in O3ZS-G system, Immensea. The Aeon class Mothership was logged in the system, along with another, in order to hit a hostile onlining Tower, however, it was caught by N3 forces who quickly jumped into the system and promptly destroyed it, while its sister ship managed to escape.
30.3.2014 – Large fleet fight breaks out in the HJ-BCH system, Scalding Pass region, when a Northern Coalition(dot) Erebus class Titan is tackled by Almost Awesome(dot) and Razor Alliance forces. The Titan and its escorting Mothership force are saved, but a massive brawl ensues, with N3 holding the field in the end.
Feel free to discuss in the comment section below!
-Salivan Harddin