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June Week 2 – Super Capital Scrapheap

June 15, 2015

Welcome once again to this week’s super capital kills summary. You can find the previous week’s summary post here.

This report will include super kills which occurred between June 8th and June 14th.


09/06/15 – 1 Nyx destroyed. – 25.4B ISK

A Nyx piloted by Passo Leatty from Iris Covenant [.IRC], The Gorgon Empire [-GE-] was destroyed by Test Alliance Please Ignore [TEST] and Pandemic Legion [-10.0] in the system of K-MGJ7, Curse.


Click for Killmail

Little information has been provided with regards to this kill. However there is a video shown below:


According to a post in the comment section: “TEST cov ops squad (predators) were watching the Nyx bash poses along side a titan in that system for the past two days. Waited for him to log off at the tower and rapecaged it. It logged in and started killing the bubbles (hence the fit), and preds pinged some PL dudes in wrekkingcrew for an easy drive-by. Nyx was about 10km outside of the shields when PL jumped in.”

The above information has been unconfirmed but compared to the video above it seems to match the report given.


12/06/15 – 2 Nyxs destroyed. – 58.6B ISK

A Nyx piloted by Aruna Sharvas and PowerHack from Risky swarm [R S W], ONLY FOR FUN [OFF] was destroyed by Out of Sight. [OOS] and Project.Mayhem. [16-13] in the system of Hasmijaala, The Citadel.


Click for Killmail


Click for Killmail

Moxich from [OOS] provided me with the following information:

We knew that [OFF] had a habit of dropping supers on passing gangs that interrupted their farming in Hysera and decided to use this opportunity to have them on our killboard. We tried doing it several times cooperating with some smaller low sec entities we personally knew, but [OFF] never dropped their supercapitals on the bait ships.

Several days ago Tau AD convoed L0SER18q about these supercapitals, he also wanted them dead, but he couldn’t move enough firepower into jump range without attracting unnecessary attention. We managed to get a dread fleet into jump range of the [OFF] homesystem, and used wormholes to get subcap fleet of [OOS] and Insmother Coalition to the bridging system.

At the time of writing we have received no comment from the pilot.

A video is shown below:


13/06/15 – 1 Aeon. 1 Erebus destroyed. – 134.7B ISK

An Aeon piloted by Vulvasi from Common Sense Ltd [GORGA], Nulli Secunda [S2N] was destroyed by #REKKINGCREW in the system of Bairshir, Derelik.


Click for Killmail

RoCkEt X from the #REKKINGCREW provided the following information:

So some time ago as most of EVE remembers, Pandemic Legion took a campaign against Nulli Secunda. Our contract was to invade their space. But we decided to take some time to figure out the best way to do it. We either had to invade Impass first, or Esoteria. The problem with doing that is that if Nulli chose to evacuate it’s supers, they’d evacuate through providence, rather than through curse.

And so we invaded Esoteria first, knowing it would push Nulli up through providence and eventually into doril; ready to take the gate into Sendaya (Derelik). Effectively sandwiching Nulli’s supercap fleet between the phage’s hammer and the brick wall of derelik.

The plan was simple, bubble them in doril as they warped to the sendaya regional gate, or kill their exit cyno on the other side. Unfortunately, Nulli evacuated quicker than expected, and so used the last few days of the garage door mechanic to get out of Curse through scalding pass to the east and so only a few Nulli supers fell to our hand because of it.

A few stragglers however ended up taking the gate into sendaya later on or going all the way round through provi. This one took the gate and cyno’d into Jaymass system (next to fortress faspera). Quickload was monitoring the situation at the time, he’s #REKKINGCREW’s second in command and one of the most talented hunters i’ve come across in EVE. He sent an alt over to the target’s system. The target taunted him in local and eventually logged out.

Quickload did what Quickload does best, and tracked the target’s cyno character to Bairshir. Sure enough he lit his cyno, but managed to warp off to a moon. It didn’t take the team long to decloak him at the moon.

The target has since reliably informed us that Quickload has no life, which made us all chuckle. This was simply one of our contributions to the alliance’s campaign to dumpster Nulli. If i’m honest, they’ve had it coming since their embarrasingly poor showing in B-R.

The only information from the pilot at the time of writing is that the “character is for sale which is why it is now in a npc corp to sell.”


A Erebus piloted by Subere Natit from The Trillionaire Club [TTC99], was destroyed by Project.Mayhem. [16-13] in the system of Mara, Lonetrek.

A link to the full article can be found here.


14/06/15 – 1 Aeon destroyed. – 29.9B ISK

An Aeon piloted by jakamo from Kenshin. [300M], DARKNESS. [DARK] was destroyed by Pandemic Legion [-10.0], Confederation of xXPIZZAXx [PIZZA] and Darwinism. [DRWIN] in the system of 0-WT2D, Querious.


Click for Killmail

Vlade Randal, CEO of [300M], had the following to say:

We took 3 supers out to dust off the rust. Killed some meaningless shit and saw the enemy responding, so we safed and logged. Logged in when system was clear, however they clearly had us watchlisted. Probes were on scan, so we jumped to another system that was clear. Unfortunately, a [PIZZA] dictor jumped into our destination as we entered.

We got bubbled on the cyno so we jumped in BLOPs and cleared dictors. Supers warped, but still had a jump timer. 2 got safe and cloaked. 1 aeon got probed at safe with dictor landing seconds before jump was possible. A wave of dictors continued to pour in. Ishtars soon followed so we brought in a t3 armor fleet with triage to try and clear the field.

A few hostile dreads were dropped, so we dropped dreads to counter until finally darwinism dropped a bunch of dreads. Our logi couldnt tank the ishtars and our triage could not hold tank faced with so many dreads. We extracted what subs were alive and watched our dreads and carriers drop, and finally the aeon.

We had to cut our losses at some point. Though in hindsight, we were over eager to use supers and we should have extracted and cut our losses earlier. [PIZZA] did well, props to them. I copped an ear full, as it was my fuckup. Happy to take responsibility for my mistakes and all in all, content was created and we had fun. RIP jakamo.

We have yet to receive any response from [PIZZA] or any of the aggressors at the time of writing.


Musashibou Benkei from [DRWIN] provided the following information:

We got word from a friend in PL that Stephan Schneider and his pizza bros had tackled an aeon and at that very moment were fighting with the DARKNESS t3 fleet. Originally our intentions were just to get a few people into inties or something and whore on the killmail (if it was ever going to happen).
Then we saw the PL ishtar fleet moving through and were invited to join and bring whatever dictors/ishtars we could. I asked if they would prefer caps instead to melt it down and were given the green light.

A few of us had to take a midpoint so it took more than we would have preferred but evidently it worked out in our favour since by the time we jumped in, the hostile t3 fleet was all but completely destroyed which left just the cap fleet present. We exchanged blows with the enemy dreads but with us having 16 dreads against their 5, we cleared the caps with very minimal losses and proceeded to the Aeon.

Big kudos to the pizza duders who managed to keep the aeon pinned down and a thanks to PL for not killing our dreads afterwards 😛


The total value killed this week was 248.6 Billion ISK, approximately double the previous week of 123.4 Billion ISK. Compared to last week with 5 Nyx class super carriers killed this week resulted in 6 total killed whilst expanding on purely Nyx kills with a Erebus class titan joining the list. Once again [-10.0] have been on half of the kills for this week making a total of 5 out of 11 kills so far this month. This week also was the first kill by the #REKKINGCREW since the one mentioned last week on the 21st May. We shall have to wait and see if anyone else manages to beat [-10.0] with total super kills this month.

Next week we shall return with an update on the upcoming week’s Super Capital losses from across all regions of space.

Feel free give your feedback in the comments below or contact me via [email protected] or via an in-game mail.