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Black Legion Ramps Up Fountain Campaign

May 6, 2015

Following on from the HERO State of the Coalition Announcement over last weekend, Black Legion [MEN.] have ramped up their campaign and have begun taking systems earmarked for HERO coalition from the Imperium (formally the CFC). So far the systems of RE-C26, JGOW-Y, KCT-0A, QV28-G, AL8-V4, IGE-RI, OW-TPO, APM-6K and L-A5XP have fallen under [MEN.]’s control. This makes a  total of nine systems taken within the space of 24 hours. At the time of writing this article the pace does not appear to be slowing as a number of other systems appear to be poised to fall today.

In the HERO State of the Coalition June Ting explained:

92073742_256Black Legion previously took two systems in Satyr and Kraken during our transfer process, and has announced their desire to take the moons and systems of Chimera constellation by force. We will bring solid fights to oppose them rather than sit on our laurels and allow them to take Chimera uncontested.

However it has become clear from communications from [MEN.] on the BRAVE reddit that they have intentions beyond the constellations of Chimera and indeed have sights on nearly half of the region as per this map and the comment below

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 14.25.58

As of the the time of writing this article, there has been no communication from the HERO Coalition leadership other that there is an intention to contest the capture of this space by [MEN.], even if it does not appear that the coalition is actively trying to do so at the moment. It does throw up some questions about exactly what HERO has planned, are they currently biding their time to reinforce their positions in the rest of the region before putting plans into action? Maybe they are waiting for the sovereignty mechanic changes due in June? Or maybe its something as simple as they are unable to respond to [MEN.]’s continued aggression?

Whatever the answer to these questions may be only time will tell.