Amidst the turmoil which has wracked the formerly stalwart southern coalition known as StainWagon since the collapse of Russian alliance Darkness of Despair, Against ALL Authorities began a surprise deployment to the Curse region on Monday the 31st of March.
According to Black Aces director and FC Shadowandlight, the low-key deployment to the system of Jorund in Curse is intended as a means of providing Against ALL Authorities the ability to “fight from a position of strength” and in order to facilitate joint operations with allies including RAZOR Alliance, Goonswarm Federation’s Freedom Squad and The Afterlife. (one of the reformed halves of Darkness of Despair; the other being Southern Federation). Other objectives of the deployment include increasing fleet participation numbers and allowing greater flexibility in the scope of Against ALL Authorities’ military operations in dealing with adversaries such as the H.E.R.O. and N3/PL blocs.
When questioned as to whether the deployment amounted to abandoning Against ALL Authorities’ sovereign space, Shadowandlight replied that his alliance intends to continue as a sovereignty-holding alliance and will continue to contest “any and all timers that are tenable.” As prime architect of the deployment, he reiterated his commitment to corporations continuing to rent from Against ALL Authorities, emphasising that Catch will continue to be patrolled by the remaining StainWagon entities (Against ALL Authorities, The Afterlife, Southern Federation, SOLAR FLEET and C0VEN, amongst others).
At the time of writing, Against ALL Authorities is continuing the move to their new base of operations in Jorund. EveNews24 has confirmed that there are the usual signs of activity indicating a deployment, including ultra-frequent jump freighter and carrier sightings.