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LEAKS: Update from Ex Cinere Scriptor, Victims of a GSF Scam

February 9, 2014

The following piece is written by Ex Cinere Scriptor’s leadership. This is about the scam that got revieled earlyer this week.

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Re: Alliance Changes
From: Brante Sletkia
Sent: 2014.02.07 21:48
To: Ex Cinere Scriptor, Kadriel, Losgarr, bor’nak

I cant take it back its done, it’s over. Im not trying to hide form the actions or blame it on others…or not take accountibility…..

Saying i didnt apply critical thinking to the majority of it would be more accurate rather than calling me stupid…because while i made a bad decision…you all know for a fact that i am not stupid….but hey…if thats how you feel you are entitled…..Insults aside, I do disagree with you on the botlord stuff…as far as the content of what’s in it.

however…the point to be taken here is not that it would have broke botlord or been some botlord violation…or whether or not it was covered by botlord or not, but that i should have ‘read between the lines’ in botlord more thoroughly to understand the true dynamics of the bromance between CFC and PL outside of the printed details of botlord.

Again i take full responsibility as i authorized this, and i moved fast on a gamble…and thats truly what it was…I LOST…thats it..

Although i have plenty of emails and comments and convos that say the gamble is not only one that would been have taken by others, but plenty of PL, and mostly CFC and others’ members screaming that their leadership didnt take the deal to actually complete the war and see it to it’s conclusion….literally hundreds almost at email max…. already…. of these emails from ceo’s, line members and the like… And in realiyt there still may be some substantial fundamental changes in this game that comes from this…. thats a side note and i digress.

You can hurl insults all day long, i know you all feel slighted and i take accoutnability in that as well, and all i will do is apologize i dont hide behind insults or empty promises or not take accoutnability for my actions….

In reality the most refreshing thoughts and outlooks i had last night after all this on holy shit when my blood pressure was literally through the roof, i got dizzy thinking holy shit what am i going to do…..blah blah blah….well the thoughts that turned into actions, and decisions two things i can do…..i can now take all my strengths in game…and play a much more low key game elsewhere on my equal number of that you all have no clue about…but more importantly…do the things i know some of you with families, etc would understand (and maybe scoff at) and those that dont and are yougn would probably scoff at…

give time back to my kids and my girlfriend…exercise, play more ball like i love to do…instead of being chained to a desk night after night like im in some matrix sort of world being controlled by others….just saying…and i would understand if you didnt see this viewpoint…but remember i loved this game so much that i have spent tens of thousands of dollars on it just like you for years….going on 8 years now…jeesus…my realization of the fact that my health and my RL is more important versus how you or anyone else in this game does….well nothing needs to be said……

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Re: Alliance Changes
From: Kadriel
Sent: 2014.02.07 21:14
To: Brante Sletkia, Losgarr, bor’nak

Glad to see reading comprehension is completely dead. If it wasn’t, then you retards behind this ‘scheme’ would have comprehended what you read in the botlrd accords and realized it NEVER would’ve worked.

I realize you morons were pissed at PL, but do you think you could’ve, I dunno, informed the rest of us first?

Thanks for fucking us over, go fuck yourself, and I hope I see you in space when I’m in the proper ship.

This, honestly, is one of the dumbest attempts I’ve ever seen.

Fw: Re: Re: Re: Alliance Changes
From: Brante Sletkia
Sent: 2014.02.07 19:03
To: Ex Cinere Scriptor

You all can say what you want…the TLDR of below is simple as this:

Backed into corner, broken promises (the fuel of eve), we saw an opportunity…we snatched at the opportunity and Failed.

I take the responsibility on my shoulders for beleiving and assuming it could be done and think i could see what goons wanted.

It just proves big time that CFC, PL leaderships (and probably more) are all in cahoots to provide content for their members…for the simple aim of getting rich in the real world off websites, isk laundering and whatever else they do….no tears…just objective reality and fact.

to the goons, pl, and especiall scooter…well played guys…was just one strategic thought behind you all in realizing your true goal….

to the alliance members and my corp members…i am sincerely sorry for putting you into this position…please work through the diplo to see if you can salvage your eve….
[11:47:27 PM] Michael: Also, this.
[11:49:14 PM] Michael: Fw: Re: Re: Re: Alliance Changes

From: Brante Sletkia
Sent: 2014.02.07 19:03
To: Ex Cinere Scriptor

You all can say what you want…the TLDR of below is simple as this:

Backed into corner, broken promises (the fuel of eve), we saw an opportunity…we snatched at the opportunity and Failed.

I take the responsibility on my shoulders for beleiving and assuming it could be done and think i could see what goons wanted.

It just proves big time that CFC, PL leaderships (and probably more) are all in cahoots to provide content for their members…for the simple aim of getting rich in the real world off websites, isk laundering and whatever else they do….no tears…just objective reality and fact.

to the goons, pl, and especiall scooter…well played guys…was just one strategic thought behind you all in realizing your true goal….

to the alliance members and my corp members…i am sincerely sorry for putting you into this position…please work through the diplo to see if you can salvage your eve….

I will politiely and quietly not be logging into eve anymore….

Good luck to you, fly safe, and again i apologize for losing on the gamble.


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