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The Vault: Submission Rundown #2

January 17, 2016

Another month and another Vault Submission, collecting a few other works which for one reason or another I couldn’t feature in my other articles. Please enjoy:

NC. vs LSH/The Afterlife – 19 Dec 2015


This work was brought to my attention on my write up of the battle of Shafrak and I was waiting to feature it ever since. Here you can see the entire fight unfold while hearing the commands in fleet, with several explanations added in edits later on in the video itself. An important video that I’m glad I can post here.

Out of Sight – Battle 19.12.2015


This video was forwarded to me after I already included a video from a different perspective on the same battle in my Battle Report Round Up #11. Since it was too late to include in the original article though providing a far more comprehensive view of the battle itself, I kept it in store for this opportunity.

Ganked 200 – Spectre Fleet vs Pandemic Legion


Another fight which I already covered, this video was forwarded to me by the main fleet commander of the event force after the article had already been published, but presented another interesting perspective on the fight itself. Thus, I present to you the view of one of the largest capital fights in the Providence region in recent years from the flagship of the Ganked #200 fleet, courtesy of Jayne Fillon.

D-GTMI Defence 5-1-2016


Once more, another viewpoint of a fight I already covered, this time the defense of D-GTMI by Providence Bloc. This video was mailed to me by its maker. With a good soundtrack and an interesting view of the battle, this time from the perspective of the defenders, of course I was going to include it in a Vault Submission!

First Weekend in The-Culture


Found in my usual search of the EVE Online sub-reddit, being a compilation video I knew I couldn’t feature it anywhere but in this segment. Regardless, it has a good soundtrack and a nice collection of fights, giving much needed exposure to The-Culture [-T C-] and the remote region of Fountain.


If you have videos of battles of medium to large scale, compilations, or explanation videos and want them featured in this series, please send links to [email protected]. You can also send them in EVE to Salivan Harddin.

Salivan Harddin is a member of Reikoku, Pandemic Legion, and covers battles across New Eden