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June Week 3 – Super Capital Scrapheap

June 22, 2015

Welcome once again to this week’s Super Capital kills summary. You can find the previous week’s summary posted here.

This report will include Super kills which occurred between June 15th and June 21st.

20/06/15 – 1 Erebus. 1 Aeon. 1 Nyx. destroyed. – 173.3B ISK

An Erebus piloted by Gurvan HERAULT and an Aeon piloted by Cybione AYERDHAL from May Be Air Force Academy [MBAFA], Nova Prime. [NOVA.] were destroyed by DreddedEvE [DREVE] in the system of L1S-G1, Great Wildlands.


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Dredd Trald, Executor of [DREVE], provided me with the following:

Basically we saw a cyno go active in CI4M-T so we sent a sabre over as normal, he spotted an Aeon but was to slow to grab as the Aeon cloaked in DED spot. He proceeded to kill the cyno pilot and sit idle for a moment contemplating missing the supercapital, by being only 20 seconds too late, when he gets the Erebus on scan. Immediately we look at the map to see where it is headed and notice a cyno open in L1S-G1 where our other sabre pilot was in 6WT-BE camping the pipe.

So he ran to the new system L1S where the cyno had just opened. As he lands on the gate a scout reports the Erebus just jumped before yelling that the Aeon decloaked and jumped. Sabre #2 immediately goes into system only to miss the Erebus for the second time. Aeon then warps to planet 2 customs office where the sabre follows landing on the Aeon @ 30km, perfect to customs office, and immediately bubbles.

The secondary pilot comes into system and kills the cyno. He then warps 60km to sabre pilot preparing to open a cyno to get at a perfect range for dread’s. The support fleet is now in system shooting the Aeon so the cyno goes up and dreads pile into system. Pilot #2 lands at 60km from Aeon, but one of our pilot’s pre emptively dropped cyno to get caps in quickly as he had one fitted.

The original cyno began to approach when suddenly the Erebus decloaks. He apparently landed on the Erebus by accident and chance as he reached 50km of customs office where the Erebus was cloaked watching his Aeon buddy dying. Immediately the sabre sprung into action and bubbled the Erebus.

Our friends, The CORVOS [CR0WZ], showed up with a secondary bubbler and enabled us to hold both super and titan on grid as we pinged the galaxy for support us.Though nobody answered. Whilst thinking we wouldn’t be able to kill them the we quickly melted the Aeon and then switched to Erebus. He DD’d one of our carriers then he seemingly just gave up. No longer firing any shots he self destructed and at 30% structure left he exploded. Leaving us a nice BPC set for a Moros and many other gift’s.

It was a full set by the way, all component’s and BPCs for the Moros with the other sets he had in cargo sadly not dropping all of the component’s. The Aeon was dull and had his slave set in his cargo which is unknown why. So by basically being persistent and hot on the trail we were able to chase these 2 supers through 2 cyno’s overall catching them.

I would like the majority of the achievement to go to Gom TV, Arablo, kula kain, Dredd Rapptor, and zzedd zepher. Mainly zzedd zepher for falling asleep in his typhoon on a gate placing us in this location protecting him from all hostile’s within 5 jumps. That is truth we were watching a sleeping typhoon and happened upon killing an Erebus.

At the time of writing we have received no response from the pilot of either the Erebus or Aeon.

A Nyx piloted by Jachob from 1st Steps Academy [1SA], Fidelas Constans [FCON] was destroyed by Verge of Collapse [CRIT] with support from Pandemic Legion [-10.0] and other entities in the system of M-HU4V, Branch.


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Fatyn, apparent FC for the event, provided the following information:

We took a gang out from Thera, and landed on a gate with a gang of about 15-20 FCon mixed frigates. They engaged, we fucked them up a bit and in the middle of the fight a Thanatos and Nyx warped to the gate and started assigning fighters. We sent our ceptor hoodinio back to thera to reship to a dictor.

After the initial fight the Nyx + Thanny warped away again along with the rest of the frig gang, but we figured they would just reship and bring more dudes for round 2. The frigs warped back to the gate, we bubbled them and got down to the gate but the frigs all burned away and warped. Just as the frigs got away, the Nyx landed back on the gate at zero with his Thanatos buddy. We bubbled both sides and picked up the telephone.

I assumed the frig gang would soon be back but they never actually returned so it seemed like FCon had abandoned the poor guy. We went for a couple of ill-advised bumps as we were scrambling to get organised (the Nyx was tackle fitted at this point, before refitting later), and we had our legion crash which was a bit unfortunate. Other than that Velosh Fataal commanded the troops to keep him pinned down.

Pandemic Legion formed fast, using wallhax to arrive with their Proteus fleet. We dropped a cyno inhibitor and bubbled the in-gates, but after a while FCON jumped a rescue fleet of a Tengus / Basilisks + 4 Archons + 1 Chimera into a tower beacon, and warped to the grid. Razor alliance also brought a gang of some Svipuls or something.

At this point our mixed kitchen sink gang just nibbled around the edges while PL started butchering the rescue fleet, and then working on the caps. Finally the Nyx was left all alone and abandoned for the second time in one afternoon, and started to self-destruct before he went down. PL very kindly left us poors with the loot and an o7, and left by the route they came.

At the time of writing we have received no response from the pilot.

21/06/15 – 1 Erebus destroyed. – 120.5B ISK

An Erebus piloted by Jase Lors from Capitulate [NOTA-], Suddenly Spaceships. [CYN0] was destroyed by Dead Terrorists [IKILU] in the system of Brin, Metropolis.


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A link to a separate article can be found here.

Below are the reports provided from both [IKILU] and [CYN0] alliance executors.

Buhhdust Princess from [CYN0] stated that:

“other than the fact it was a good drop by DT and the fact that I lost an Erebus, there is not much more to say really! it was a simple gank, they hunted me for a while and their hard work paid off 🙂 Shit happens i guess! :D”

Letelio Denmun from [IKILU] provided a more in-depth report:

Some weeks ago, we in Dead Terrorists and our close allies in Immediate Destruction had it on good authority that Suddenly Spaceships were moving back into the Metropolis area, probably somewhere close to the Akkio border with the Forge region. Aware, as we were, of their abundance of Super Capitals this information sparked a frantic search for both the route they might use from Placid and their most likely destination here in Metropolis.

Initially the search for further information was fruitless and it seemed as if, one by one, their Super Carriers and conventional Capitals were making it past us into the Forge region without interference. Fortunately, vigilant as ever, Immediate Destruction obtained a significant lead, that is, a new Control Tower appeared in the Brin system, loaded out with ECM batteries, belonging to a newly formed corporation, a member of none other than Suddenly Spaceships. Needless to say, this tower had all of the hall marks of a tower that might be used by a Super Capital for staging or travelling purposes. Such suspicions were confirmed shortly after this discovery as we further noticed that Suddenly Spaceship’s best known Titan pilot had left his regular holding corporation and joint the newly formed corporation that owned the Brin Tower.

The rest of the process, whilst tense and drawn out, was straightforward enough. Assuming, as we did, that the Titan would eventually be coming through Brin, Immediate Destruction, assisted by Dead Terrorists, began the painstaking process of monitoring the Titans progress towards Metropolis whilst observing for any regularities in the times or methods used by the pilot. From previous experience with this particular Titan, we were confident that he would use the method of jumping into a system 200km from a POS shield before hastily warping into it. Accordingly, all that was left to do was to set the appropriate tackle up around the Brin tower shortly before it seemed as if the Titan was ready to make its final jump.

This time arrived shortly after downtime on Sunday 21st insofar as the Titan pilot logged in and, in quick succession, made the two remaining jumps that put him into range of the Brin system. With everything from the fits of their HICs to the position from which they would strike planned with phenomenal precision, Immediate Destruction set up to catch the Titan around the shield edge of the Tower in Brin. Meanwhile, the arrival of a known Cyno-Character, belonging to the Titan pilot, confirmed to us that it was time to get our own HICs into position next door and move our relatively small Capital fleet into range of the system.

As predictable as it was suspenseful, the Cyno-Character de-cloaked in a Proteus around 200km from the Tower and fired a Cyno-Field. Without delay, the Immediate Destruction HICs moved with phenomenal speed to land on and tackle the Erebus which had subsequently appeared. They immediately came under immense pressure from the tower’s ECM batteries and the Titan’s energy neutralisers but, ultimately, it was too late. Just as the first backup HICs landed our own Cyno-Field went up and the DPS of our Capital Ships and Support was directed at the un-tanked Erebus. A number of Ghost-Riding Archon/HIC pilots confirmed additional tackle on the Titan which promptly gave way without returning fire (although we had double thermal tanked our Capitals in anticipation of a doomsday anyway).

Our compliments go out to Immediate Destruction who did a great deal of the research that went into this kill and, of course, to the Titan pilot himself whose justified reputation as a PVP grandee is unlikely to be tarnished by this loss. With Suddenly Spaceships back in the area and, no doubt, keen for revenge, the Dead Terrorists shall have to watch our backs even more than usual. At least, however, the contents of the Titan’s ship maintenance array gives us some early insight into their fleet doctrines!

A video of the kill is shown below:


Up until Friday this week it looked like it could have been the first week of the year without any Super Capital losses. Thankfully the good pilots of New Eden stepped in this weekend to prevent this from happening. The total value killed this week is just shy of 50 Billion ISK from the previous week with 293.8 Billion ISK destroyed. We have seen the first ever kills by [DREVE], a new alliance in New Eden, with [-10.0] once again adding onto their tally for the month.

Next week we shall return with an update on the upcoming week’s Super Capital losses from across all regions of space.

Feel free give your feedback in the comments below or contact me via [email protected] or via an in-game mail.