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Drifters Retaliate In Yulai!

April 24, 2015

CONCORD, the ingame police organization, recently performed an autopsy on a killed Drifter. Drifters are a new race of NPC’s who were added in the Tiamat patch on February 27. Some of their abilities include an extra level of shields, a doomsday like action that can deal almost 585,000 damage, the ability to pod, and to react intelligently similar to Burner missions that were also added this year. The results of the autopsy were published in both a report and in a summarized video by the Scope. You can see visuals of the corpse in the video below.


This autopsy confirms what was already speculated: Drifters and Jovians share many traits but are not the same. Drifters have been altered too much with excessive adding of implants. No one has seen an alive Jovian since they closed off their stargates to try and solve the so called “Jovian Disease”. This disease is caused by excessive genetic modification and causes mental deterioration and often insanity. This causes the loss of a will to live. With the empires hold on capsuleers weakening, the Jove may have decided that the time was ripe to come back.

In retaliation for this autopsy a fleet of Drifter battleships have attacked the station in Yulai. Capsuleers retaliating by engaging the drifters. One station’s services were destroyed while the fight for the other raged on until the Drifters were finally defeated. One CCP Event staffer was there in the form of Lina Ambre from the Scope. It is likely that similar events will occur in the future so stay tuned for more coverage.

Curiously, the Drifters were carrying several Antikathera elements in their holds. These are essential to creating the Entosis Links.  CCP may be sending a message reminding players to start gathering this type of loot for the upcoming sov changes.