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Crius : Multiple modules will NOT provide a bonus

July 9, 2014

CCP Greyscale has just announced that there will not be bonuses for multiple structures in a POS.  That is, for Crius :

Having multiple starbase structures of the same type at a starbase will no longer grant you any bonus above those inherent in the structure itself

The only substantial downside to this is that it makes it much easier to weaponize an industry tower, so we are considering upping lab/array fitting costs substantially in a later release. We likely will not do this in Crius itself as people will need time to reconfigure their setups.

We are looking into what we can do to mitigate the expected glut of labs resulting from this change; more info as we work through this process 🙂

Most players will not know about the upcoming changes (‘old’ or ‘new’).  As a reader of this site, you are already more informed than most players.

Many players only want to pew pew.  Industrialists like you doing pew-pew, as it creates a market for us to sell into.  Sometimes pew pew pilots consider industrialists valid targets ( but we always prefer that you target other industrialists).  What this post means for you is that our stationary loot pinatas (otherwise known as research arrays in POS) will be more ‘prickly’ than we had previously planned.

For those organized industrialists that already had their POS plans with multiple of the same research modules, well the good news is that you have time to re-do your plans.  Then later, once CCP follow through on their desire to not have weaponised research labs, you will get to redo them again.  What is an industrialists life without changing rules? (Apart from boringly profitable?)

You can read here for more information about the upcoming Crius release on 22 July 2014.

Want to read more of Foo’s work? Then check out his blog.