In the early hours of the 7th of May, Pandemic Legion officers learned of sabotage at their primary staging Keepstar citadel in M-OEE8 and one of their supercapital production Sotiyo engineering complexes in TRKN-L.
According to a statement from Pandemic Legion diplomat, Elise Randolph, the sabotage cost the alliance approximately 300 billion ISK in module theft and fuel as well as the destruction of 2 titans and five supercarriers in production. The act of sabotage also wrought butchering on 2000 jump clones as medical bays were shut down and removed.
Elise Randolph’s Statement on the Reddit thread:
Follow the EVE appraisal link here, reportedly showing the modules stolen by the perpetrator
The cause of the sabotage was a disgruntled player in the Sniggerdly corporation which had roles for the two citadels. The decision to strip the citadels of their rigs and fittings, thus resulting in the aforementioned damage, came after the player had a falling out with the corporation’s higher echelons. According to the player, he had been chewed out by the corporation’s CEO for losing a Rorqual industrial capital ship to Bombers’ Bar. The loss allegedly annoyed Hedliner, the current CEO of Sniggerdly, as it painted the corporation in a bad light.
Hedliner has a long history of abuse towards line members, with many of his outbursts making it out to Soundcloud and Youtube. For this particular line member that was the straw that broke the camel’s back and he decided to retaliate against the leadership, using the roles he had been granted thanks to his jump freighter work. In a short while, he was able to strip the fittings of the two citadels and destroy the rigs which caused all the subsequent damage.
Logs supplied by the perpetrator showing his act of sabotage.
Though the extent of the damage was considerably low ISK wise, it did demonstrate a remarkable weakness in Pandemic Legion. The old mercenary alliance had long prided itself for both its combat ability and espionage. To suffer such an act of sabotage puts a dent in its reputation which has been called into question more and more lately.
EVE News 24 is still reaching out to the various parties involved and will update the story as more information becomes available.
The original Reddit thread can be found here.
Featured image credit: Razorien