While the ongoing terrorist activities whoops I mean Concord mechanics test in Jita continue to the joy of profiteers everywhere, from my perch, it would seem that the burner’s homeland would be all the riper for the plucking. So I caught the second round of DARK. FC Ailok Konem ‘s “Blitzkrieg” roam, an earlier edition of which resulted in the Imperium Hel Kill featured earlier. The earlier fight in Stain resulted in quite a bit of action, but the part I caught did not disappoint.
We Spoke with the FC later for some thoughts on how this skirmish played out.
EN24: You have brought a new Level of Whale hunting to GOTG. What can you tell our readers about the secret to your success?
AilokKonem: not sure if its a secret. Learned a long time ago to hunt and I consider myself a good hunter rather than a good FC. I would say its hard work and hours and hours of scanning behind these fleets. That’s the success.
EN24: Your character dates back to 2005. When did you begin running such fleets? And which changes over the years has presented you with the most significant challenge?
AilokKonem – The first BlitzKrieg fleets I started about 2 years ago when I used to live in Stain. We had quite the fun, but numbers were always a problem. About 1 year ago my corp joined CO2, and that’s when this thing exploded. I had support for scanning holes and numbers to do the fleets. I think the biggest challenge not to me but to all wh hunting groups is to keep people interested when things don’t go the way you plan, and you have few bad days. Also, scanning is tedious, so everyone avoids it :smiley:
EN24: Speaking of things not going 100% to plan, there was a pretty hairy extraction after the third GSF Capital died. Some Roaming FC’s would have just told those trapped behind to ask their corpmates for an extract, but you went back in and got most of them out.?
AilokKonem Well, I went back after them because we had about 9 fleet members trapped and I had the wormholes to get them out. was nothing hard and anyone would have done the same
EN24: So what mistakes where made? How do you plan to avoid them, and what needs work from your pilots?
AilokKonem – Anchoring is always a problem for some pilots. Lemming is also a problem sometimes. As you can see in the video, I tried to stay out of the bubbles and when we had to extract one of our own bubbled us. We could always use more hunters, more Fc’s and More probers. With fleets comes experience as well
Between the 1st stop in H90-C9 which saw a Rorqual, a freighter, and a carrier killed, and the next skirmish in which the GSF fed in capitals one after another resulted in over 18 billion in kills. The roam ended with losses of under 3 billion for the GOTG raiders, most of whom literally gate jumped their way out of the heart of Fountain.