During December 2016, we released a series of videos that charted the stories and experiences of several of our high-profile pilots, and afterward… we announced a competition!
If you missed the original videos, you can see them on YouTube here:
Jayne Fillon – The Pirate Underworld
Sindel Pellion – Nobody Has Been Everywhere
Nashh Kadavr – I Lost Everything I Stole
Chessur – They Were Wrecks When I was Done
To enter the contest, all our pilots needed to do was create their own video that charts an experience that they’d had in New Eden.
Whether it was a run-in with pirates, discovering something valuable out in space, a war declaration or maybe a successful scam or trade, we wanted to hear all about your experiences. The highs, the lows, the successes and failures, all laid bare as learning experiences in the dystopian world of New Eden.
The only parameters were that the video had to consist of in game footage, voice overs, video of yourself, and even motion graphics and effects if you were feeling ambitious.
Some of the results were simply spectacular!
Prizes are awareded for first, second and third place. The full list of prizes can be seen in the contest announcement.
We will be contacting winners via direct message from the @eveonline twitter handle over the course of the next 48 hours with instructions on how to claim prizes!
Each of these honorable mentions will also win two PLEX.
We will be contacting winners of honorable mentions via direct message from the @eveonline twitter handle over the course of the next 48 hours with instructions on how to claim prizes!
Dunk Dinkle: