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Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #47

February 4, 2017

By Salivan Harddin

The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week:

#1 INHELL – Suddenly Wormhole [EVE Online] by Tori Shepard

A cinematic video depicting several hunting expeditions carried by Inner Hell [-INHE]. The wormhole corporation has become a scourge for null security space residents as its fleets emerge in seemingly the safest of systems. This well edited video with comm snippets only highlights the danger the corporation is to the miners and ratters of the lawless regions.


#2 INHELL – HELLS BELLS [EVE Online] by Tori Shepard

Another video by Inner Hell, this time a trailer for the corporation. Quite well made and foreboding and any more words are just wasted.


#3 Hero Megathron: BLACK Ops Drop by worstplayerever

An incredible video showing one Megathron battleship not only withstand getting jumped on by a gang of black ops battleships, but even repel the attackers! Even having watched it several times I still have a hard time believing what I saw.


#4 Hero Phantasm: Never, ever. by worstplayerever

A second entry by worstplayerever, this time using a dual boxing setup of a Phantasm cruiser and a Bifrost command destroyer. The video depicts two fights taken by the pilot, each one will keep the viewer at the edge of his or her seat!


#5 Major Battles of January by Adan Dimaloun

A breathtaking cinematic video of major battles fought in the Winter War through the month of January. The epic soundtrack paired with the visuals do justice to some of the biggest fights fought recently.


#6 EVE Online – Fidelas Constans Tribute by Everything EVE

Another cinematic video (Shaping to be the list’s theme) depicting the journey Fidelas Constans [FCON] took since moving into the Immensea region. A quite somber and short tribute video. Nonetheless, worth a viewing.



Do you have any videos that either you have made or watched that you think are particularly good? If so, please feel free to submit them to me on either Twitter (@SalivanHarddin), Gmail ([email protected]) or via in-game mail (Salivan Harddin). Until next week!

Salivan Harddin is a member of V0LTA, WE FORM V0LTA, and covers battles across New Eden