On the 26th of May, 06:18 (EVE Time), a Revenant Super Carrier belonging to Hookers And Blow. pilot MrMephistopheles was destroyed by a Brave Collective fleet with contributions from allies from across Querious in system V-LEKM in Querious. Brave Scouts had known MrMephistopheles was in the area, having lost some ships to him recently, when a scout saw him in local chat in an adjoining system. Following him into V-LEKM, the Revenant logged off in a safe and pilots from Brave made a commitment to camp the area he was last seen in hopes of being able to tackle him and hot drop a fleet of capitals to burn down the Super Carrier.
The Revenant retaliated using Antaeus I heavy fighters, but was unable to break the Brave Tackle against the amazingly fast form up of the enemy, and once the capitals arrived on the field, the fast response fleet quickly burned through what was left of the Revenant’s shields, armour and hull. The Final Blow was dealt by Hideo Hetoshi in his Revelation, with the Top Damage being dealt by Dannar Hetoshi in his Naglfar. When the fight was over, the Brave Fleet and their allies had lost ten ships – one nemesis, 5 manticore, one flycatcher, one broadsword and one Armageddon, three pilots of which lost their pod, totaling a loss of 951 million Isk. MrMephistopheles lost his Revenant and pod (courtesy of Lumpymayo), at an estimated total loss of 131.56 billion Isk (3 billion Isk of which was implants). All told, 61 players were involved in the fight, which lasted approximately 14 minutes.
The full battle report for the fight is available here, and a thread on Reddit is available here.