EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.
EN24’s podcast releases another episode. This time we talk to historian and journalist Mark726 from evetravel.wordpress.com.
For many years, Mark has explored and traveled through New Eden and written about it, covering the landmarks (in space), their history, and directions to get there. Citing both player and game backstory (lore), his work has helped thousands explore the cluster.
We also discuss the the recent assassination of Amarr Empress Jamyl Sarum I, Drifter Incursions and the unique play-style of 1 account, 1 character.
Guest: Mark726 – Project Compass Holdings, Creator of evetravel.wordpress.com
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, Northern Coalition
Find the RSS for our podcast at : en24podcast.blogspot.com
Jamyl Sarum space grave-site: