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Kurisu Makkashi: An Interview

August 16, 2015

Kurisu Makkashi is CEO of Cruis3rs Cr3w Alliance, and Republic of Pew, the chief corporation in Cruis3rs Cr3w.

Kurisu Makkashi, CEO of Cruis3rs Cr3w Alliance

Kurisu, please, tell us a little about yourself

I am Kurisu Makkashi. After playing EVE for 7 years, I am now the CEO of the newly formed corporation Republic of Pew, and the alliance, Cruis3rs Cr3w. We have been around for 3 months. About 4 years ago, I wanted to centralize my EVE game-play on community. Because I love the community aspect of this game. People call me the Master Baiter, because I know how to make new players bait, whether for 1v1 fights, up to big battles. I enjoy teaching new-bro’s.

“There’s three ships in EVE that make all the difference my friend, friendship, leadership, and a goddam Proteus. We employ those ships very well. Smack talk aside, everyone is welcome to join us.”

You recently formed Cruis3rs Cr3w, who are you, and what do you do?

Cruis3rs Cr3w is based off my old corporation, which was abandoned because of awoxing, and spies. We named the alliance Cruis3rs Cr3w in essence of what we do. We also run the Cruis3rs Cr3w NPSI, which is like spectre fleet, but is smaller, and has kept quiet, but we have been around for 4 or 5 years, and we aim mainly fly tech 1 cruisers. Our alliance, originally based off the NPSI community, which has eventually grown into something more structured. We are a more focused entity, which focuses on content generation

It seems like there are a select few people who provide content in EVE, even though it’s billed as a sandbox game. Of course, we still need people willing to provide content. What is your thought on this?

Content generation requires a particular skill-set, it requires dedication. You are talking about providing content, a win, and a name to live up to, and a social atmosphere for your guys. The whole objective is to put your name out there, and get fights. We can get content from anyone, anywhere, and with all styles of ships. From tech 1 cruisers to capital escalations. Everyone looks for flights, and we show up to them. We fly T1 cruisers because everyone says “Oh look, a T1 cruiser gang, we can beat that.” It opens our fleets up to more content.

We’ll take on navy cruisers, pirate cruisers with tech 2 support. A-Hac fleets, we’ll take on anything. We use T1 cruisers because they are easily accessible. Anyone can use them, and they’re great for training new players. People call us peasants, and we joke about that, but it gets us content. We don’t limit our content. We fight with strategy, vigor, and a smile on our face, as you can see in this video.

You are based in Ostingele, what made you base there?

Ostingele is based in a great location in Placid. We know the area from our past activity. We know the power blocs in the neighboring regions, its close to high sec allowing NPSI entities to join us. There’s lots of pirates, we have moon empires that we can set up timers. Placid is the low sec capital of EVE. You can get content in minutes after forming a fleet. We are using Brave to provide us with content at the moment. We fight them with cheap fleets if we have to, but instead of farming them, we engage entities that attack Brave. As they are two jumps away, we can drop everything on them. Brave is a magnet, and we’re using them. However, we wont drive them into the ground. We want our enemies to say “good fight”, not “F**k you”. We have fought 80 hostiles on Braves undock, we have lost, but we’ve also won. Placid is just crazy right now

So you’ve moved to Ostingele. How do you fit into the political landscape in Placid?

If you read forums, we’re shit-talked. Our corp is associated with NPSI, but when we used larger fleets long ago, we were farmed for content. Now we have an alliance, and we’re growing, our focus is to fight anyone, and we want to be on their level, whether we are or not isn’t relevant. What is relevant is winning. Winning and content generation go hand in hand. Have we killed these big entities capitals? Yes. Have we won fights against them? Yes. Have we lost to them? Yes.

We will fight them in our prime-time, not theirs. We’ll fight them when we can beat them strategically. They blow us apart in the Europe time zone, but in our time zone, we have an edge. Snuffed Out is growing, and they’re a threat. We want moons, just like any entity, and we’re going after them. I’m openly saying this, they know it. We’ll go after everyone who has a moon in the area that’s worth a damn, but when we hit it, I’ll decide that.

The content is ramping up, we escalated to capitals a week ago, with no objective. Why? Because we don’t give a damn, this is EVE. We lost 40 billion, but killed 30 billion. We learnt Shadows Cartels Super Pilot’s names, and gained some great strategic knowledge. We are blue to noone, but Lethal Intent. We have no intention of bluing anyone else. We will go for everyone. We’ll go to their home stations and fight them their. We’ll get in their faces.

So politically, you’re open to fight everyone, would you say you have any rivalries in Placid?

Rivalries mean I’m gunning for someone, well I’m gunning for everyone. There’s no specific target, but I want to fight them all. Politically, they have controlled Placid for far too long. I want to disrupt that, and they aren’t going to like it, They’ll try to place spies, they’ll try to disrupt my activities, but we aim to prevent that.

How can you run an NPSI fleet and ensure there’s no spies?

There will always be spies, but there’s a difference between Spec-Ops alliance fleets, and NPSI fleets. I’m not going to take non-alliance entities on moon ops with me. We have measures in place, but can we prevent this, of course we cant. Do I tell people we are going to drop cap fleets? Hell no. But do we? Yes. Of course we do.
There are always spies, but in an NPSI fleet, I get information about other entities we’re going to fight, because people talk. You have to use and employ all strategies available to you. I provide content, and this leads to people joining me. We aren’t trying to be like other NPSI communities that used to be around Placid, but we do take inspiration from them We want to have fun. And we say to these entities “bring your content, bring your fight, let’s bring it on.”

So are you trying to build something good then?

Am I trying to build an empire? Absolutely, make no mistake. I have people who don’t like me, and call me an egotistical douche-bag, but and people who hate me. But haters are going to hate. If you’re doing something right, people will try to shit on you, and do what they can to dissuade you. I have guys from ever timezone who are loyal to me, and only me. I have guys who love me, and guys who would love to see me dead. I’ve been awoxed, I’ve lost titans to people I trusted, I have had money stolen from me, I have been the victim of coups, but I’m still here.

I don’t want Cruis3rs Cr3w to be about me, its about the community. I’m a good FC, but I don’t know how to do everything, and I can’t do this by myself. People bring strategy to the table, and I listen. I was going to join Lethal Intent, but people asked me to stay, to provide them with a community based alliance, and I’m leading them into the Placid Wars. We have more entities joining us, and we’re going to hit everything, and bring our A game.

So Kurisu, before we finish, what do you want to say to the haters, to the people out there in Placid who want to see Cruis3rs Cr3w fail? To the Awoxers, and the people who have wronged you in the past?

Let me say I’m a ticking time-bomb, and when I show up on your doorstep you’d better be ready, because I’m here for you, and for content, and I’m not going to back down. This is my game, and that’s how its going to be, whether with t1 cruiser fleets, or battleships with triage support.

If anyone has shit to say, meet me on my undock with a fleet, and then we’ll see what you have to say