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EN24 Podcast, ep.13 – EVE Backstory Primer

June 11, 2015

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases their 13th podcast. Starting from a blank slate and the we walk through the EVE backstory with guest Phyridean from Hydrostatic Podcast. As the lore segment specialist for Hydrostatic, Phyridean has amassed a following of players that tune-in to hear his explanations of EVE’s backstory (aka lore). He’s also been a participant in the Lore Panels that Hydrostatic hosts every few months.

  • How is the story in EVE different than in other games?
  • How do you seek it out?
  • What are the bullet points of the past?
  • What is happening all around us now?


For those that want to get caught up, this podcast is a good place to start. For players of any level, understanding the science fiction built on EVE is the icing on the EVE cake.


  • Guest: Phyridean – Aideron Robotics, Gallente Faction War (Lore Researcher)
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, NC.


Find the RSS for our podcast at : en24podcast.blogspot.com