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Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #7

June 4, 2015

Once again, it’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community has to offer. So here we go!

#1 Become a Fleet Commander (with special guest star)

Brave’s Fleet Commanders are having a busy time and they are busy recruiting new Fleet Commanders, and who best to get the point across than a Hollywood superstar…

#2 EvE Online: Nightmare, Battle for the Guristas Complex

PvE ships are only good for PvE… right? Well, this particular video submitted in the comment section last week proves otherwise.

#3 9-F0B2 Slaughter NC. VS Provi + FCON 02/06/2015 

Northern Coalition. engages a Providence Bloc battlecruiser fleet with Fidelas Constans support in probably what is one of the worst slaughters I have ever seen in Eve. The first video is from the point of view of the Northern Coalition fleet where the FC struggles to call targets fast enough to keep up! You can read the report here where there are also two more videos of the carnage.

#4 DBRB’s Revenant & EG vs Imperium – JU-OWQ – 31-05-2015

A huge brawl with an epic soundtrack and destruction on a massive scale; this it taken from the point of view of a nightmare fleet that joined the fight in a huge Blue vs Blue fleet.

#5 Solo Clip: Rattlesnake

Mr Hyde is up to his old tricks again, taking on fights most people would shy away from in interesting and different ships pushing them to their limits. In this case, a Rattlesnake. With annotations explaining whats going on this is a great lesson in solo PvP.


#6 Killing IRC Dreads… and then suddenly… Ragnarok!

After the battle of Asakai you would think that titan pilots would be more careful when clicking that jump button, apparently not. In this video a fleet tackles and engages a group of dreadnoughts killing a tower. As the dreadnoughts slowly get taken off field a cyno goes up and the titan that apparently should have portaled a fleet, ends up jumping in itself. Will it live, or will it die as the support fleet scrambles to rescue it?

#7 Fight Night In Black Rise – Jmp-n Vs Snigg – Guardian/Triage POV

I have some fond memories of my time roaming Black Rise, and this is a perfect example of the type of brawls that go on down there. a Waffles. roam goes around looking for fights.

Do you have any videos that either you have made or watched that you think are particularly good? If so, please feel free to submit them to me on twitter @TiberiusStarGaz or via mail at [email protected], until next week!