Greetings intrepid spaceship captains!
I am pleased to announce that the 13th Alliance Tournament will be kicking off on August 15th, 2015. While more details regarding all aspects including the ruleset for this year’s tournament will be published at a later date, there are a few things I can confirm now and some changes for this year I can share with you.
The format of the AT XIII will be the same as last years’ Alliance Tournament. 64 alliances will duke it out in a double elimination format where all matches matter. However, in a change from last year, we are compressing the tournament to three weeks of matches. During the first weekend on the tournament, we will be running the matches in two systems simultaneously. The final two weekends will be run as per previous years and broadcast on EVE TV.
To fly with an alliance in the Alliance Tournament XIII you will have to be a member of that alliance by downtime one week from now (May 14th, 11:00 UTC). Note that this is different from last year, where the cut off was the day before the announcement. As we are giving a window for players to move themselves to their home alliance, we will not be making any exceptions for anyone that has not joined their alliance after this date. If you are unable to move alliances before the deadline, please file a support ticket before the deadline under Other Issues -> Community Management. Each alliance may only field one team.
There will be future Dev Blogs in the coming weeks which cover the rules, broadcast schedule and sign up details, so stay tuned! For those who missed the previous ones – the matches from Alliance Tournaments IX, X, XI, and XII are available on the EVE Online YouTube channel.
EVE TV’s Player Commentator Team
We will once again be opening up the application process for players who would like to be PVP commentators. A number internet spaceship analysts will be handpicked by us to fly out to Iceland for the tournament finals played over the final two weekends, joining the team here at CCP HQ to help us run the live broadcasts.
As a commentator you’ll be on the set discussing the tournament, tactics, and teams and of course engaging in witty banter with developers about EVE live on air. You’ll also take shifts in the commentary booth providing live commentary on the matches themselves. You need to know your PvP and you need to know how to keep on talking!
Alliance Tournament XIII will take place over three consecutive weekends starting on Saturday, August 15th and ending with the grand finale on Sunday, August 30th. Flights (from all Icelandair destinations) and accommodations are supplied by us. All you need is a little spending money.
So you’re interested? The next step is to check this short list and make sure you match what we’re looking for!
If you are interested in taking part, please email me at [email protected] by 23:59 UTC (Eve Time) on Sunday May 24th, 2015 with the following information.
A final note:
The Tournament from the perspective of a commentator is an amazing experience. You get to take part in a unique production, fly to Iceland, get a tour around the CCP office and chat to developers like almost no other players will ever get the chance to. But with great power comes great responsibility; planning and promotional shows take place during the weeks up to the final show and you may not be asked to fly to Iceland if you fail to take part or become unavailable during this time.
On behalf of the Tournament Team
-CCP Logibro