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Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #3

May 2, 2015

Once again, it’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community can offer. So here we go!

#1 NAGA Puppets

Passing on important information to your corp members in Eve is a massively important, correct information can keep your corp a well oiled and effective operation with high morale, so its job and should be taken very very seriously… or maybe not.


#2 How to Fly Battleships by Mr Hyde

Black Legion PvP mastermind Mr Hyde releases a regular series of videos on youtube and on his channel showing highly effective methods of PvP often using ships you wouldn’t usually consider. In this instance, a Laser Rokh… yep.. Lasers, on a Rokh.


#3 Small Gang Archetype: Light Tackle

Instructional videos are many and varied, taking on the hyper complex nature of Eve Online is often a tough one, so when an informative video comes out explaining probably one of the trickier roles in fleet fights, its always worth a look.


#4 TGT Special: EVE The Vengence Effect (Bombers Bar)

Bombers Bar continue to do what they do best. To celebrate a significant mile stone in their organisation of their 600th fleet this video was created to celebrate both their victories and their losses. With some great footage, great narration it is a great watch.


#5 CCP Manifest – New Eden is Not Internet Spaceships

I’m pretty sure there is meant to be a ‘just’ in the title, but back in 2014, CCP Manifest, CCP’s head RP man, had a keynote presentation at Fanfest which this week has been republished in a re-edited video format. What makes Eve what it is? CCP Manifest attempts to tackle this question and more in this enthralling 40min video.

Do you have any videos that either you have made or watched that you think are particularly good? If so, please feel free to submit them to me on twitter @TiberiusStarGaz or via mail at [email protected], until next week!