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Darkness Supers Dunked in Delve

April 28, 2015

Following the exodus of Northern Coalition. [NC] from null sec and their departure from the N3 coalition, some groups in the coalition were left without any support. This particular post relates to one such event, on the 26th of April, where 3 super carriers were caught unaware by entities from “The Imperium” (CFC’s new name) and Confederation of xXPIZZAXx [PIZZA].

The pilots caught were Abar, Alexander Zietsev and PogmeThoin of the Teutate raiders [S.A.V] corporation in DARKNESS [DARK] alliance, most likely implying that they were all flown by the same pilot.

I approached wheniaminspace from [PIZZA] who provided me with the following information:

I lit the cyno so I can explain exactly what happened. I was heading to KFIE-Z in my prowler to online an R64 we recently captured. I had some problems getting inside since the gate was heavily camped and when I finally got into system with a prowler, I saw 3 supers attacking my tower.

CFC told me which tower they were planning to safe up in so I decided to scare them off and give myself a tiny chance of catching them if they were retarded. My simple plan seemed a little more plausible by the fact they didn’t have anyone on the tower keeping eyes.

I docked up and fit a cyno to my prowler, pinged for dictors and ospreys to get on my titan. I bookmarked a spot near the supers, warped to the tower at 100 and lit my cyno. Dictors bridged and bubbled, burning off towards the bookmark I made and I left one dictor cloaked next to me with a cyno online and fleet warped everyone else to the supers.

The supers had gone before anyone landed, as expected, but to my amazement they landed in the bubble next to me. Panicking, I told all the dictors to warp back to me and bubble the fuck out of them while getting a cyno into CFC’s capital fleet.

Some support was warping in to kill our dictors but CFC were able to bring in their super fleet very fast and wipe out the hostiles. I very stupidly jumped my titan into them without warning and to CFC’s credit they managed to avoid killing me in the process.

So yeah, major error by the supers allowed a very simple to plan to kill all 3 of them. I think it was kriso0 controlling all of them.


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To confirm the statement made by wheniamspace, suggesting that Kriso0 is the pilot of all 3 supers, I approached the diplomats of [DARK]. One of which, Serendar, suggested I “talk to kriso0 from [S.A.V]” who has yet to respond to my inquiries. If this is correct, it is quite possible that the reason for the supers being caught is the attempt to manage all of the ships at once. However, it seems he should have avoided using them at all, without any support fleet whatsoever and considering the current political situation.

In addition to the above, an undisclosed source from The Imperium stated that; “They dropped our last carrier who was rear guarding our fleet from killing a tower. Then went to shoot a POS and got bubbled by using the same warp in on the tower twice.”


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This is clearly backed up by the timeline of events from above, as the full modified report here shows.

[If you have any comments or intel you would like to provide please contact me at [email protected] or via an in-game mail]