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Northern Associates Nyx Destroyed in Oasa

March 28, 2015

It seems to be a continuously deadly time for super-capital pilots as this marks the 4th one lost in a 48 hour period. This report is based on the 3rd Nyx destroyed in this time frame.


The Nyx was piloted by robbie syke’s, member of Sparkling Black Ice [XSBIX] corporation in Northern Associates. [NA.] alliance who are the rental entity for the N3 coalition. The system that this took place in is a typical ratting system in Oasa, RO-AIQ.

The Nyx was caught by pilots from Hard Knocks Citizens [HKRAB] alliance which is built up in part by the well known Wormhole dwelling corporation Hard Knocks Inc. [HRDKX]. I contacted NoobMan for any available information and he provided me with the following:      

The Nidhoggur warped to the gate to brawl us in our interceptors, shortly after the Nyx warped to the gate and into its own bubbles, a Chimera also lands on grid and quickly dies. We were prepared and bubbled it as the system was known for skynetting so it was nice to see the Nyx die. :). For reference sHanQ Myteia , and myself were initial tackle.

He also provided me with this reddit link where a few images were linked as shown below.

Nidhoggur on gate as Nyx warps in :


Click for Killmail

Nidhoggur in triage repairing itself:


Click for Killmail

Nyx dying:


Click for Killmail

Nyx in structure:


Click for Killmail

The actual Nyx killmail is here:


Click for Killmail


This shows that as with this report the Nyx pilot simply got himself into a situation which he didn’t really need to be, which for [HRDXX] is good but not so much for [NA.] and the pilot’s wallet. This when added to the total number of ISK lost shown on this post for the previous 3 supercapital losses now reaches 108 Billion.

I attempted to contact a representative of [NA.] including the pilot involved but have yet to receive a response and will update this as required.

[If you have any comments or intel you would like to provide please contact me at [email protected] or via an in-game mail]