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Avatar Snuffed out in The Citadel

March 9, 2015

In the early hours of this morning (Eve time) an Avatar was destroyed in the Tannolen system of The Citadel.

The Avatar, piloted by Mijstor Jedann of the alliance Mercenary Coalition [MC], died to the hands of the infamous low-sec dwellers that are Snuffed Out [B B C], their main corporation being Snuff Box [SNUFD] who are well respected within the low-sec community because of their ability and willingness to escalate fights with capitals and super-capitals.

According to this reddit thread, created by Reddit user SmugfaceMcgee the story is as follows:

So we see two Apathy Unleashed [AP.U] carriers camping a red frog Rhea in station and aggressing him on undock. We call for sailboats and our Avatar driver hears whats going on, we throw a Hurricane Fleet Issue at them to try to keep the aggression going while getting a warp in for the Avatar. Despite the fact we have eyes in Sujarento and see some fucking funny business going on we drop the great white DD and snag us a thanatos – which was great until purifier cyno. Our rook gets insta nueted by a redeemer and a devoter gets point and its the usual snuff rodeo – good fights were had and now we can switch to a nano-Ragnarok… we still love you snuff

This version of events ties in well with the evidence, considering this loss mail of a Thanatos Carrier which was destroyed only 3 minutes prior to the loss of the Avatar:


Click for Killmail


Click for Killmail

Either way it is clear that the pilots of Mercenary Coalition [MC] have not be dissuaded by this loss to do the same again and maybe sometime soon we will see another of their titans on the killboards of New Eden.

Snuffed Out [B B C] was approached for comment but have yet to respond so this post will be updated if they choose to do so.

[If you have any comments or intel you would like to provide please contact me at [email protected] or via an in-game mail]