Two reputable wormhole alliances collided today, resulting in heavy ISK losses for Arctic Light [ARCLI] at the hands of No Holes Barred [NoHo]. Some of the wealthiest corporations in EVE are found exploring unknown space through wormholes, and when they run into each other they don’t fight to scratch – they fight to kill.
NoHo was “rolling holes” looking for something. Imagine an otter rolling shells looking for food, but in wormhole space (w-space) it looks like heavy ships repeatedly entering a wormhole, weakening it to the point of collapse. Once it does, another opens somewhere else in system. A quick probe to find the new hole and scouts enter to investigate it. If nothing is found they repeat the procedure, until targets are found.
On this day, NoHo came up with J152550: a wormhole system controlled by Arctic Light. Arctic was doing their routine money-making endeavors, running sites with Archon-class carriers. While finishing the last site of the day, they were set upon by a NoHo fleet. NoHo tackled an Arctic carrier with a massive defensive tank that was taking a long time to go down. NoHo lost four interdictors while holding the carrier in place, with warp disruption spheres (bubbles).
Arctic counter attacked by sending a second carrier and heavy battleships. They wanted to save that pinned down Archon. NoHo called for reinforcements and T3 Legions were scrambled to the engagement, followed by a two dreadnoughts and an Archon carrier, collapsing the wormhole behind them. NoHo was now fully committed to the fight. Arctic decisively escalated again, sending dreadnoughts and more T3 cruisers. All the cards were on the table.
Pilots from both corporations exchanged heavy fire. NoHo’s 13 Tech3 Legions, fitted with energy neutralizers, crippled the Arctic’s trapped carriers’ defenses. NoHo also had a crack Archon logistics pilot keeping those Legions alive and in the game. NoHo had no way to reinforce and they were fighting on Arctics turf. Arctic could reship easily, and NoHo’s hands were too full to pod Arctic pilots back to known space.
Eventually the energy draining Legions did their work and the Arctic carriers were slowly brought down like fatigued bulls with too many ropes on them, bucking less and less effectively. Arctic’s carriers lost power, their armor tanks shorted out, and the hulls collapsed under the massive DPS of NoHo’s dreadnoughts.
Arctic managed to save one of their own dreadnoughts that was in structure, but lost pirate battleships, battleships and Tech3 cruisers in addition to the carriers. The total ISK loss measured 58.6 billion, most of which was attributed to the carriers.
In these mass-limited environments (wormholes), carriers play the role of the super carriers and titans, therefor they are fit with the best equipment available. This makes them a prized killmail, but they are not easy to bring down. Note the expensive modules are the capacitor (energy) related modules. As capital pilots say, “Cap is life,” and the staying power of Arctic’s archons proved that, for a time.
Complete Battle Statistsics [Link]
Despite the heavy losses, both alliances were honorable in their conduct. After the fight, Arctic Light’s diplomat, Wander Prian, joined NoHo’s public channel where other visitors were inquiring about the battle:
Wander Prian > Ion Udan did you see what NoHo got out of their rolling? 😀
Ion Udan > i think most have yes hence my smart arse comment 😉
Seraph Essael > Wander Prian mad props for warping that stuff back in! you got my legion 😀
Xaphanie Xoros > Wander Prian <3 u guys, Such an epic fight, mad props
Yoedric Tharewyn > Noho fought Artic Light tonight ? I want a br !
realdognose > 16B Drop – not sure if we got it.
Yoedric Tharewyn > Looks like a hell of a brawl
One a final note, in a conversation with me:
Wander Prian > NoHo are an awesome alliance that are fun to shoot or be shooting others with. Looking forward to the next round.
So are we.