An NCDOT Ishtar fleet, active in Immensea (R-ZUOL), was handed a sound defeat by CFC bombers. Initially, the NCDOT fleet was having trouble keeping their fleet boosting pilots alive as they mysteriously kept dying when allied N3 alliance Gentlemen’s Club was around. Awoxing (traitor in fleet) was suspected, but not confirmed. (updated, see bottom)
The NCDOT fleet was then probed down due to an interceptor sitting on grid too long, allowing time for probers to zero in on him, giving away the position of the nearby fleet. The fleet was set upon by a Sabre-class interdictor that trapped them in a warp disruption sphere (bubble). Seconds later the stealth bombers decloaked and deployed ordnance on target.
The clock was ticking: The NCDOT Ishtars frantically primaried the Sabre while overloading their defensive shield tanks. Success, the Sabre popped, the bubbles were off as the first wave of bombs hit. Had NCDOT been aligned and ready to warp, some of them might have escaped. Not this time; the Ishtar’s hulls were pounded until breached, ejecting their pods into the coldness of space.
Funny: Listen to pilots reaction to being wiped out at 2:28.
Due to the precision in timing of one of the bombing waves, and the presence of a well-known ISBOXER bomber (oodell and alts of similar names), some NCDOT pilots petitioned for an investigation by CCP.
R-ZUOL is located in the same pocket of Immensea that leads to the famed B-R5RB system, where 75 Titans were killed in a 21 hour battle [more info]. That pocket was the home of N3 forces during the “Halloween War.” It was lost after N3’s defeat in the B-R5RB battle, but regained after N3 ultimately won the war. It has been in their possession ever since.
Recently, the CFC deployed to this area to help The Initiative alliance capture it, perhaps to compensate The Initiative for being forsaken by the CFC in Delve and surrounding areas (The Initiative’s former home), on the eve of the Phoebe expansion. The Initiative have already captured 3 systems, including the mining haven B-R5RB, and are making good progress.
This area is high in activity as the CFC and N3 battle over it, although NCDOT have not officially deployed assets to the area.
update: After rechecking sources, booster pilots were not killed, but constantly found and on the run (being yellow-boxed).
Battle Report: [link here] thanks to comment section.
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