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Battle Report: Warp to Zero for The Dominix Massacre – WY-9LL

December 30, 2014

The following post is part of the “The West – Where Bad Things Happen To Good People” thread on the Warp To Zero forums. It was written by WTZ member Hidetoshi

On Tuesday Dec 29th a Get Off My Lawn (LAWN) Erebus titan pilot, named Markus Kaiderius, decided to prove the universe he had graduated from special school and pull a ‘Hurley’ on a station in WY-9LL (Fountain NPC). He got his Erebus on station grid to doomsday a carrier, but quickly found himself in ‘Ze Raspberry Jam’, getting bubble-tackled up the ass while 75% of New Eden was rage pinging to form up and come to WY to either kill or save this silly titan pilot. The other 25% was probably getting gagged and bagged in the other semi-big fight going on at the same time in Providence.

Prior to this major ‘cock-up’, Markus has been seen pulling this stunt for a few days in a row, desperately trying to put his Doomsday weapon to the test and get a kill with his Erebus. Black Legion would not be Black and a Legion if they wouldn’t have started keeping tabs on this lobotomite-in-a-capital and eventually set up the bait, which was provided by Gang Bang Team. So tabs were kept, consistency by Markus was reported and filed and the bait was set. As expected, Markus took the bait like he was suffering from diabetes and the ship he was baited with had insulin in its cargohold.

Markus was having fun with his titan on a station grid in WY-9LL, dooms-daying a Gang Bang Team (GBT) Nidhoggur (the ship with the insuline in the cargohold) when interdictors got under the titan skin and started dropping bubbles. Poo was flung in local and on various Jabbers people started rage forming like no tomorrow.

Meanwhile Black Legion had an Ishtar fleet on standby but did not ping for dreads yet, waiting to see how this would pan out and allowing GBT the room to make the bait work. The BL Ishtars were sitting on their titan in their staging system (K3J in Venal), ready to be bridged to a system that had a direct wormhole to WY-9LL which had been scouted upfront.

When Black Legion titan-bridged and made it through the wormhole to get on station grid, 30-ish CFC boot Archons were already on grid along with a 120-man strong Dominix fleet (mixed in with a dozen NavPocs). For BL the goal quickly switched from killing the titan (ok so no dreads, I guess, logging off my dread alt…) to committing mass murder on the CFC battleships. By now, the LAWN titan was never going to be destroyed unless FC’s would have decided to turn this into another Asakai or B-R5. The stage for this was definitely set: Black Legion, NCDot, Pandemic Legion and the CFC were all on grid and everyone could have decided to make roid mineral prices go up as fast as oil prices are currently dropping. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be and the battle stuck to being a good but very dirty brawl.

Pesky CFC Harpyfleets appeared on grid to make quick work of the BL logi when BL decided to headshot the Harpyfleet FC, in order to buy some time while the CFC Harpyfleet dwellers were regaining themselves (this did not work out at all). Focus went back on Domi’s which kept on dying like flies.

For Black Legion the patience paid off, having destroyed around 90 CFC Domi’s and a majority of the dozen of NavPocs. Black Legion lost a handfull of Ishtars, Recons and Scimitars in the process. Next to that they had a staggering amount of interdictors dedicated to the cause, which in situations like these are always brought in to ‘jihad’ themselves onto the primary target: keep the titan bubbled.

N3/Pandemic Legion had shown up to the fight as well and obviously they started shooting the CFC, losing a staggering amount of ships (286 out of the 351 pilots on field). This consisted of Legions, Barghests, Ravens, Tempests, Talos, Tengu’s, Broadswords and Onyxes.

The grid consisted of more than 70 interdictors being used by various parties, the majority dedicated by the guys from FCC (mostly GBT, which did a good job keeping bubbles coming in like endless beers).

In the end, Black Legion came out winning with a 92% efficiency, with the CFC reaching 62% and N3/PL being the big loser on the fight with a 54% efficiency. The FCC guys came in at 90%, despite having lost a Nidhoggur and an Archon, along with a handfull of battleships and a dozen of Ishtars.

The full battlereport can be viewed here.

A Black Legion pilot managed to fraps the fight and provide us with a video of the happening:

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