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Dead Terrorists: Internal Terrorism?

December 27, 2014

With the Christmas Holidays there is generally a lull in the wars and fighting across New Eden. However, that doesn’t prevent internal drama from occurring within alliances and this year is no exception. Not only did we have a Nyx killed by it’s own corporation in Goonswarm Federation before the holidays. Today Dead Terrorists joined the party with the death of their own Nyx piloted by Alice Mariska.

The pilot, Alice Mariska, is a known alt of Dame Death who throughout the lowsec world has regularly caused drama and strife within a lot of the corporations he has been a part of. According to this reddit post Dame Death had this to say:

Ok so finally made a reddit account, it seems people are bullshitting so heres what happened,
I logged on drunk (apprently drinking on boxing day makes me a alcoholic now) and decided to test if assigning fighters to a archon agroed the archon, I aske a corpie if i could test it on them got told yes so did, Annother corpie then thought it would be fun to shoot my fighters w/o asking me, I asked the to stop they didnt so I didnt call them back after they agroed him (seems they was on agressive)
Then i possed up ad waited for agro. Bout 30mns after i logged back on so i could inject a skill book I kept forgeting to get when sober got bumped and awoxed.
Pretty straight forward partly my fault but end of day I didnt shoot first so its a awox clear and simple.

Prior to this Jericho StormCloud, CEO of Disbanding As We Speak, also commented by saying the following:

well to keep it short.
Dame is drunk as fuck, and being the bitch he is. tells everyone his going to kill Alliance m8’s and get told not to. an hour later he tried to kill a Loki and fails. after failing killing the loki he do mange to kill a Hype. when that one died more or less everyone wanted to kill him so well that’s what we did lol
i don’t know if he killed anymore then the Hype. but well he is a dick.

Following the above I contacted him to clarify on a few points.

Amymuffmuff > Can you tell me what caused the incident relating to the loss of the blue nyx kill?
Jericho StormCloud > Well since he joined a few weeks ago he’s been pissing people off and just been the guy that could solo anything with his own little army. So last night when he started to threaten people with killing them and also camped the station with his Nyx and alts then it just got to much.

Amymuffmuff > Did you know of Dame Death and his history before he was accepted to the alliance?
Jericho StormCloud > Some of the people in the Alliance did know him, most not for anything good from what i hear.

Amymuffmuff > What would you say to any prospective applicant in the future following this blue kill?
Jericho StormCloud > Well don’t be a massive dick all the time and you will have the time of you life 🙂 it was a special case and normally we don’t awox people but yea there is always a guy that has to try and push you.

When approached for comment the CEO of Dead Terrorists, Letelio Denmun, passed on the mail he sent to his alliance following the incident:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Awox
From: Letelio Denmun
Sent: 2014.12.27 04:52
To: Dead Terrorists,

Kill: Alice Mariska (Nyx)
Kill: Dame Death (Archon)

If anyone is wondering about the above, basically Dame Death [and his alts] went completely renegade, abusing and antagonising people on teamspeak whilst threatening, attacking and killing members ingame. Despite being given multiple opportunities to deescalate the situation and avoid this tragic outcome, he completely refused to cooperate and, ultimately, had to be dealt with in the way that any rouge member would be.

I profusely apologize to the entire alliance for recruiting such an intolerable and disruptive individual and for failing to take the action required to rectify this situation quickly enough. Whilst I would have done anything to avoid killing a friendly super, I was, regrettably, still away for Christmas and believe those who acted against Dame Death in my absence did so in an understandable and justified, albeit somewhat trigger happy, manner. Needless to say, this was not an ordinary, unprovoked or premeditated Awox [the likes of which we are against in the strongest possible terms], nor shall we be making a habit of this sort of thing.

Sorry for any uncertainty or concern caused.
All the best

It appears that whatever the cause it started with Dame Death killing a corp mates Hyperion and it escalated from their before finally ending with the loss of an alliance jump freighter who was apparently attempting to recover the capital mods from the Nyx kill. However, due to the POS already being used to aggress corp mates that continued and resulted in this final unfortunate loss.

Now all that remains is to see where the infamous pilot will end up next and if we shall see any similar losses in the future.