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CCP wants your opinion on structures

December 22, 2014

Last Thursday CCP released their annual survey regarding structures and player interaction with them in EVE Online. This survey has a large impact on future structure development direction and game play prioritization.

Read more here.

CCP Arrow

Fellow capsuleers.

Team Game of Drones is doing extensive investigation and discovery work for Structures in EVE
more specifically Starbases, Outposts, Customs Offices, Deployables and Sovereignty structures.

The Industry survey conducted about a year ago resulted in 24,000 responses in total and had a huge impact on the overall direction and decisions made for the Industry release. We hope you are up for the challenge to help us get an even better turnout this time around. Please take the survey and help us improve the game – Your opinion matters!


Thank you in advance for your help and support o7

On behalf of Team Game of Drones

Obviously if you have never interacted with a Player Owned Starbase (POS), Player Owned Customs Office (POCO) or an outpost this will not be as relevant, however anyone who has gone through the pain of taking down, setting up, interacting, or managing any player owned structure in game will find a lot of important questions in the survey.  There are even a few questions that ‘hint’ possibly at where CCP is taking structures in the future.



[Please feel free to discuss further in the comment section below]