Good evening readers of Eve News 24!
A while ago, I had the thought that maybe the writers of EN24 should host a podcast to discuss the recent news within the game and also upcoming features in the newest patch. I decided now would be a perfect time to bring this to the masses so I got together with Bobmon, CEO of EN24 and candidate for CSM10 and Slevin Kelevra, one of the top writers for EN24, and spent an evening chatting and talking all things EvE.
You can hear the results on the soundcloud recording below the article .
Link to Bobs’ CSM 10 thread as promised.
If this goes well we have plans to expand this idea, either using youtube so we can include images and such to show what we are talking about as we are doing it, or even into a live podcast using Twitch. However this all depends on YOUR opinion and YOUR feedback.
For the next Podcast I would like to have some questions from our listeners, to this end I will be opening an article closer to the end of the year to which you can comment and submit your questions. Hopefully the new forums will also be online and we can take some questions from there too (more about the forums in the podcast). We will also be trying to get special guests to record with as and when they are available.
Here is a list of what we talked about and the approximate times.
Links to some of the devblogs discussed;
I am aware that there was some technical issues with one of the microphones, IE mine, and I have already ordered a new studio quality microphone for future recordings and broadcasts, I apologise for this but hope that most listeners will be able to see past this to the content within.
Thanks, and enjoy!