When making trailers for EVE Online, it’s always been difficult for us to showcase our community’s passion and enthusiasm for all things New Eden.
This has always been the hardest thing for us to capture, process and display to the world in its most raw form, given your seemingly boundless creativity and dedication to the EVE Universe.
A few months ago a number of people at CCP decided to take on this challenge, and at the start of September we released a cluster-wide call to arms in order to collect the community’s most awesome moments from voice comms.
After weeks of editing, a lot of discussion and many hours of rendering here at CCP we hope that in some way we may have found a way to display the fun, frustrating, exhilarating and intense moments that the community has submitted to us in response to this call to arms.
We’d like to present a different view on producing a trailer for EVE.
This is a view that focuses less on EVE itself and more on the people who make it live and breathe. All of you, because without your mining, manufacturing, piracy, war declarations, spying, espionage and gatecamps, New Eden would be a pretty quiet and lifeless place.
Debuted at EVE Down Under, “This is EVE” is not only the newest trailer for EVE Online, it serves as a tribute and a thank you to the EVE Online community for twelve glorious years of mayhem, with the hope of many more to come.
“This is EVE” is available in two formats:
Uncensored & Raw (Contains Strong Language) – Samples from voice comms remain as they were when they were submitted to us.
PG-13 (Censored) – Samples from voice comms are censored when mean capsuleers say bad words..
Help us further with This is EVE!
Along with the release, we’d like to make a second call to arms for the community to translate “This is EVE” into all our supported languages (French, German & Russian), as we’d like to continue to put the creative power in your hands and enable the finest community in online gaming to showcase EVE Online.
We would eventually like to display these translated versions on the official CCP Games YouTube Channel, with full credits to those whose videos are featured.
You can submit to your localized versions of This is EVE by mailing [email protected].
We’ll also have some further activities based around “This is EVE” coming in the next few weeks, so be sure to keep your eye on the community news feed!