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BREAKING: CCP Alliance Disbands

November 10, 2014

Disclaimer: the following article has nothing to do with the actual CCP Games company. The article below is written as if the CCP alliance would have been a player alliance. I hope you enjoy!

Today I received shocking news that the CCP Alliance was disbanded (Dotlan link). CCP Alliance had control over all of Jovian space. This control went so far that they completely isolated themselves from all other regions by closing the gates to surrounding regions. Once or twice a year they would invite all other alliances to compete in tournaments. These tournaments were so tough that alliances selected only their best soldiers in an attempt to win the grand prize. These prizes consisted of ships so unique that no other would even be comparable.

The reason behind this disband is unknown, so I decided to contact Diplomat CCP Falcon who was so busy that the only sentence coming through was:

CCP Falcon > hostile takeover

After he had said this all connection was lost with CCP Falcon. I was still worried and interested in what might have happened, so after considering all options I decided to contact a CCPer who hears and see’s everything – Spymaster Fozzie. He seemed to be pretty relaxed considering the bad situation his alliance was in and commented:

CCP Fozzie > the usual; backstab and hostile takeover attempt with our hangars cleared and CSAA’s offlines

He didn’t know who did this, but he reassured us that Fleet Commander CCP Rise was doing his best to reclaim all lost assets while CCP Logibro is taking care of repairing all damaged structures. All CCP pilots seemed to be unharmed and are protected for the time being by their hero – CCP Guard. At the end of the conversation he said that CCP Greyscale (JF/Asset Director) and CCP Hilmar (CEO) are doing their best to find whoever was responsible and that all focus has been put on rebuilding so that the tournament, and jove space, shouldn’t be in any in danger in the future.

We will keep you informed!