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Stainwagon vs N3 – Chimeras, Rattlesnakes and Dreads! Oh My!

November 9, 2014

Today, we, the Stainwagon, were in for a real treat! At 12:42 EVE Time, NC.’s i-Hub came out from reinforce in G2-INZ — not the usual USTZ timer one might expect in the region. To compensate, NC. called a full power CTA to save their precious i-Hub’s shields! To further secure their blobious vicotory, they called upon their allies (pets?) S2N to aid in their defense. With NC. traveling in their signature Tempest Fleet Issues, accompanied with supercarriers and triage carrier support from Period Basis via Stain to this humble system in northern Esoteria, S2N decided to try out their new Rattlesnack (yum!) Loki mix doctrine with triage Chimera support.

With full knowledge of both fleets moving into range simultaneously, SW decided to plan a trap for S2N as they traveled by gates. A SW cloaky dictor bubbled several of the slow chimeras in JAUD-V and one unlucky Rattlesnake after the majority of the S2N fleet had already warped off. A cyno was lit, the glorious SW Ishtar fleet entered the field and proceeded to obliterate its prey! As expected, the S2N fleet was quick to respond and warped back in an attempt to save their trapped comrades. Just when it seemed S2N had regained its footing, the remaining triage reps proved to be futile, as Stainwagon jumped 5 courageous dreadnaughts into the fray.

Immediately the dreadnaughts went to work, killing a 2nd and then a 3rd carrier. All the while, explosions from Rattlesnakes and Lokis could be seen across the grid, as the S2N fleet started to spread out. Finally, NC. came to the rescue of S2N. Cynos were lit, and N3 supercarriers began to pour on the grid. They deployed their fighters and drove the mighty SW fleet off the field. After a attempt to warpin and resume the fight, again, SW was forced to leave the grid. On the second rewarp, SW FCs decided to try a gambit.

This ultimately failed and resulted in a majority of SW’s FCs getting headshotted. One-by-one they gloriously fell, until the order to retreat was finally given. GFs were put in local, SW’s dreads were replaced, and everyone went home feeling proud to fight [and die] like warriors!

Battle Report