On the eve of the Phoebe release, jump-drive activity was a hot topic. Players can observe the patterns of cynosural beacons lighting up around New Eden by looking at the map statistics in the client. This led some to wonder how the activity might look over an extended time period. After seeing this repeatedly discussed in the past few days across the forums, blogs and social media, I decided to dive in to the data to see what I could find…
Across the 35 day period between October 1st until the Phoebe deployment at 10AM on November 4th, 263,344 beacons were activated. Operations peaked the day before Phoebe with 15,572 beacons activated, as players looked to perform last-minute maneuvers before jump-drive changes made such travel more restrictive.
We’d like to share this data with you in even more detail, so that you can work with it yourselves. The file in the following link contains a listing of all activations of Cynosural Field Generator modules on Tranquility (excluding the covert variant) for the 35 day period mentioned above. Each line shows the activation time and the solar-system in which the beacon was activated. (Other data points such as pilot IDs, xyz coordinates have been removed, in the interests of not exposing detailed intel)
We look forward to seeing what interesting visualizations and analysis that the community will come up with! Please let us know at [email protected] what you make.