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No Value Erebus Destroyed, Very Valuable Killmail Generated

October 19, 2014

In the early EU timezone on the 18th October 2014 an Erebus Titan, belonging to Ciris Pellion of the No Value alliance was destroyed in the VT-G2P system of Querious worth around 108 billion ISK.

While most Titan killmails feature a number of capitals or even supercapitals on them, this one is different in that it features just one aggressor… A POS tower belonging to a SOLAR Fleet corporation, Providing of the first medical aid.

However the tower on the killmail was just the aggressor from VT-G2P. The story actually starts in the system of Efa, the Khanid region and involves both SOLAR Fleet and The Exiled Gaming (TXG).

I managed to speak to Imbor, CEO of The Exiled Gaming (TXG). who commented

We (TXG and Old School Legion Deluxe or OSLD) had the titan tackled initially, before it jumped to VT-. Ciris Pellion, the titan pilot, got tackled in Efa after he jumped in and warped to a safe. I managed to scan him before he cloaked at his safe. We brought one of our HICs in and decloaked him then slowly gathered some of our alliance and local friends in Hyperions and a second HIC.

SOLAR Fleet had around six members in system but in the past year we have taught them not to get close to our Hyperions, so they decided to warp in two Falcons which landed just outside of our drone control range. They then started to jam out our HICs just as the Titan hit structure. The titan managed to warp away thanks to the Falcons of SOLAR Fleet but we followed him and got tackle again.

Then the Falcons turned up again and got jams on our HICs for a second time. This time the Erebus cyno’d out to VT-.

Our theory is that SOLARĀ Fleet helped the Erebus Pilot get away because they hate us, not because they are blue to each other. They cyno’d him out onto their own POS where he died, which seems to suggest he wasn’t blue to SOLAR.

We’re not really set up to face something like this. Nor did we think we would need to be set up for it, it came as a big surprise to us. And keeping this in mind I’m pretty proud of the fast response time and good performance my guys and our allies from OSLD showed.

I was disappointed when the titan managed to jump out. But now I feel pity for the Erebus Pilot, because he died to SOLAR. Well I guess thats a good message to everyone out there who is debating on putting their trust in SOLAR, think long and hard because sometimes, it ends badly for you.

I also managed to talk to both the CEO of the SOLAR Fleet corp that owns the POS tower, Elita Force and the diplomat for No Way alliance, Maxwell Cookie.

Maxwell refused to comment, and asked me to contact the titan pilot directly. Unfortunately at the time of writing Ciris Pellion, and his other character are both unavailable. If he does make a statement I will update this article accordingly.

Elita Force refused to comment at this time as she has n0t had time to look into the situation, although she did confirm that No Way alliance and SOLAR fleet are not blue and never have been.

I have also been unable to contact the two Falcon pilots, Alx Atcrew and Bigimax2, who were instrumental in getting the Erebus away from The Exiled Gaming fleet and onto the SOLAR POS where it ultimately died. Again if I do get a statement from them I will update this article accordingly.

Whether the Erebus dying to the POS was an accident or if the Falcon pilots meant it to happen is still open for debate, I do hope to get the answer to this question as soon as I can.

A video of the fight from the Exile Gaming point of view can be found here:

Erebus Killmail

Picture showing the two Falcons on grid with the erebus and TXG fleet.