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Drive-by-Gone-Wrong, Stainwagon Dunks Happy Cartel Titan

October 10, 2014

Happy Cartel was camping HM-UVD, and so TrickyBlackSteel jumped in his sabre to see if he could provoke a fight. He jumped in and soon enough the enemy started to aggression. While TrickyBlackSteel was flying towards the gate, Stainwagon had already formed a Black Ops gang with a triage carrier support and so with TrickyBlackSteel getting aggro by the Happy cartel fleet, They jumped in to save him.

Knowing that the support carrier would likely spike the interest of Happy Cartel, Stainwagon started to get pilots ready just in case. The Blackops managed to save TrickyBlackSteel Sabre (a sabre that later will be key to the Leviathan kill) and then suddenly they notice a known Happy Cartel Cyno rapier alt in system

Knowing that this alt was in the system, The archon pilot started to realign. Then for some reason the Happy Cartel rapier landed, Decloaked, 100k of the Stainwagon fleet. TrickyBlackSteel knew how to react, He quickly burned over in his sabre and just when the rapier lit his cyno he managed to get on top of it. Through the cyno came a Happy Cartel Leviathan piloted by ProHblpa. TrickyBlackSteel knew how to respond and bubbled the Leviathan . Stainwagon managed to get more tackle on the Leviathan to make sure that he couldn’t go anywhere. By now Stainwagon FC’s already had a cyno ready to go and sure enough they lit their cyno their dread fleet entered the field, resulting in a T2 fitted Leviathan killmail.
