After the release of the Jump devblog, drama unleashed all over the discussions forums. This thread was mainly filled with folks both supporting and others pointing about their perceived flaws in these plans. Then a very interesting tweet appeared:
The 0.0 CSM do not support all these changes. Some were discussed at the summit, the rest, only had one day to look at. #tweetfleet #csm9
— Sion Kumitomo (@siggonK) 1 oktober 2014
@siggonK @progodlegend @mynnna_eve @Silva117 @corebloodbro @midi2304 — Sion Kumitomo (@siggonK) 1 oktober 2014
In the past there has been a community wide conversation regarding whether CCP Games should communicate everything to the CSM or should they be entitled to conceal privileged information from CSM members. It is also worth nothing that there has been past instances of CSM members misbehaving with the privileged information they had access to in the past. So, is a two sided coin.
Given the far reaching impact of the proposed jump changes, what’s your take on this, should CCP Games inform of everything to the CSM or should there be exceptions?