Today we were greeted with the news that the CSM Representative and ex-CEO of reddit’s Brave Newbies Inc. Matias Otero just resigned from his Council of Stellar Management. CCP Leeloo, EVE Online CSM coordinator for CCP Games, made the official announcement on the EVE-O Forums:
Hello pilots,
I’m here today to bring some unfortunate news to you. Our CSM9 representative, Matias Otero, has decided to resign from his CSM duties due to personal reasons. He has informed CCP of his decision to do so, and while we are of course sad to see him go, we respect the fact that real life issues must of course take priority.
However, every end is just a new beginning!
After internal discussion and talks with the rest of the CSM, we have decided that we should not have an empty chair for the rest of the CSM9 term! We have agreed that with the new release cadence it will not be difficult for the new member to catch up on things.
As such, we have picked the 15th member from the list (the next highest number of votes from the CSM9 elections) to take Matias’ chair.
So, please welcome our new CSM9 representative – Asayanami Dei. He will join the team as soon as all paperwork is sorted, but we hope to have him with us for the CSM9 Summer Summit.
If you have any questions regarding this or any comments, please feel free to post in this thread.
– CCP Leeloo
For those unaware; Matias was a Brave Newbies representative. The Brave Newbies Reddit still lists Matias as a Moderator, but his last forum post was 20 May 2014, and his lastzkillboard entry was 20 April 2014.
Recently Matias Otero mentioned the reasons for his resign in a reddit post:
Thank you for your honest opinion. In hindsight, seeking election to the CSM when I was barely managing with the work/study load I had in my life was a terrible idea. This is not the right moment in my life to have a complex, time-consuming hobby, as much goddamn fun as being space-emperor was. I overreached, plain and simple, and to those of you that entrusted me with the responsibility to represent your vote, I am truly sorry.
I am going to go off the radar definitively for a bit now, focus on getting my shit running smoothly (perhaps not the best choice of words), and maybe in a few months from now you’ll see me in local with a small gang of players, doing crazy shit and breaking all the rules.
In what seemed to be a break from normal tradition, in which whenever a CSM council lost a member and the council usually kept working with the remaining members for the rest of the period; this tome CCP Games appointed player Asayanami Dei as a replacement for Matias Otero. During his CSM campaign Asayami Dei ran as a wormhole representative, and is a member of Adhocracy Incorporated. Asayanami bio contains contact details via YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. If you want more details on your newest CSM rep, the CSM campaign post is as good a place as any to start.
For the voting mechanic tragedy lovers out there, Asayanami missed out on a CSM 9 seat by 80 votes.