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Coup Backfires Resulting in Imperial Guardians Joining BPA

September 9, 2014

Imperial Guardians led by Aura Ikku were, for a long time members of Spaceship Samurai [HONOR] until 2 days ago. According to sources (and reddit) Aura Ikku attempted to take actions in his own hands by threatening to drop all systems in Catch under the control of Imperial Guardians.

In response, HONOR decided to take the following action described in a mail that they send out to their members:

From: Erect Dysfunction
Sent: 2014.09.07 02:25
To: Spaceship Samurai,


Shortly after this mail, Imperial Guardians will be removed from the alliance. This has nothing to do with IG membership, but is a direct result of Aura threatening the coalition with a sov drop of all systems that IG owns. Coalition leadership believes this to be a severe risk and have had significant input into this decision. It’s not one I take lightly and is only occurring as a result of the threats made – with the CVA war we can take no chances.

All IG members will have assistance in evacuating assets, and need only contact myself or another leadership member. BRAVE and other coalition members will also be on hand to help. I regret that this has happened and hope that no more hurt feelings come of this.



What sparked this all off is just the normal tensions that come with these sort of alliance related actions. These tensions then start building up and eventually result in corps becoming a island (Imperial Guardians in this instance). They then saw that they had an opportunity to capitalise on but this backfired. Are you interested to read one of the conversations that sparked it all off then feel free to read it here: CHATLOGS

Imperial Guardians new home as said before will be Black Pearl Alliance who own a constellation in southern Catch where they produce Super carriers for the N3 in order to keep their space. BPA has a rocky past for both individuals within leadership positions which should allow for Aura Ikke to feel at home.

We received a Soundcloud which lets us listen to BPA’s leadership meeting with Imperial Guardians in which they basically get briefed on how BPA works. Feel free to listen to it yourself!!

Black Pearl Alliance used to work with HONOR when taking Catch but with Black Pearl Alliances recruiting Imperial Guardians this appears to be over (from a HONOR member)

Corporation you are at war with is joining an alliance
From: CONCORD Sent: 2014.09.08 12:42

Imperial Guardians is joining Black Pearl Alliance alliance. Since you are at war with Imperial Guardians, in 24 hours you will also be at war with Black Pearl Alliance.

We will try to keep an eye out for more drama! Let me know what you think about this whole situation in the comment section below!