With one of the most heavily anticipated matches of Alliance Tournament XII being Code Vs RedvsBlue, sadly that match did not take place as RedvsBlue Banned the Catalyst and Talos.
While likely the outcome was decided in advance to garner hate for an already disliked alliance, one can only imagine how unhappy CCP are that one of their matches was completely thrown away.
What we do know though, is Code. were unable to follow CCP’s code and thus forfeited.
CCP scrambled to put anything on their stream to soak up time till the Nulli Secunda fight vs Fidelas Constans match.
This led to the CCP Devs openly mocking Code. and decided that from now on, all mining vessels and freighters would receive a 200% hitpoint buff.
For anyone wondering about what exactly was said by CCP during the stream in the moments afterwards, CCP fozzie mentions that CODE after being told of the catalyst and talos bans, simply logoff without saying a word and were non responsive to any CCP members.
This causes CCP to switch to the Jita cam, which after several minutes the 2 CCP devs, Logibro and Gargant let the frustration show for only a moment saying
“For those of you wondering why we are not having a match where RVB are kicking CODE’s ass its because CODE decided not to show up, they are a witty bunch that think forfeiting is a clever way of saying something ( dev 2 says ” Yea, im not so sure all i know is that they are…not going to be competing today and that RVB get a free win and advance on.”
With Gargant tweeting about CODE shortly after
The following can be seen on Fozzie’s twitter :
With all the controversy and misinformation being pushed out, a single thread has been started ( and is being enforced) by CCP and ISD, this thread can be found here.
What do you think? Did Code. have this planned from the start? Did they do this as they actually planned on using a Talos and Catalyst group?
– MR Benoit.