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Darwinism In Action: 40 Billion Isk Charon Killed!

July 31, 2014

A Charon worth 40 Billion ISK recently died to the hands of Space Warriors and Love Squad Goonswarm was on their way to assist with the gank but the decision to go ahead was made before they arrived. The pilor of the Freighter likely assumed he was safe as he had 3 Basilisks, a Guardian and a Kronos applying shield, armor, and hull reps.

Round 1

After attempting to ransom the target through Convo requests that were soon blocked the first gank attempt began. This however did not go as planned and the target remained alive in Ohmahailen (.7) in about 50% hull damage. That Meanperson who helped lead the gank decided to make it personal and called for the formation of the 45 person hit squad that you see on the kill mail:

Zkillboard link

Round 2

As the freighter remained on gate due to methods that were not commented on That Meanperson organized an even larger gank force and prepared to engage the target. Once again a ransom was attempted by mail as conversation attempts were blocked. Finally the target was killed along with one of his logistics and his Kronos was damaged to low hull. The Charon dropped just under half its value giving the gankers a 14 billion pay day before expenses.

With recent word on Pasta disbanding will this one of their last kills? Let us know in the comments.

-Hona Chaginai