Plex, Everyone Would like at least one per month.
This guide has five unconventional ways to make isk for PLEX, If you are new to eve/have never used a “PLEX” before here is a detailed page on what a PLEX is.CCP’s Plex Guide
General description:
This method has you scouting solar systems in a specific constellation/region. What you will be looking for is starbases that are offline with expensive modules left, Things like labs,component assembly arrays and the like.
The process:
Having found several towers offline with varying amounts of goodies around them your next step is finding their worth. Worth is found by taking the wardec fee away from what you may get, checking how many hostiles are in the corp, and what they did in EVE.
The key is not to pick the biggest targets but the medium targets, and never let the corp CEO know why they are having a war pushed on them.
Finally you need: Oracles cap stable fit in system and in station before you send the war through,a covert ops pilot (if possible) and a industrial of your choice.
If possible try to keep a covert ops pilot on and cloaked 200km from the pos to watch for defenders taking the tower down.
The takedown :
War day has come through and one of the following has happened:
– The tower is still there offline and ready to be killed.
– The tower is now online with nothing on it
– The tower is now gone.
Remember when I mentioned a covert ops pilot? if possible have that pilot active during the same time as the target corp would have been. if someone un-anchors the tower you can suicide gank or even bump the target away at the last minute and scoop the pos yourself!
If the tower is still there but with nothing, While the situation sucks rest assured that not every tower will be like this. Its worth noting about 25-50% of corps will take towers down.
And finally if the tower is still there what do you do after you killed the tower?
Firstly look at the price of the arrays/labs and ask yourself if you feel lucky. If yes i recommend popping at least 1 of the arrays if there is any as you can have multiple cans of goodies pop out!
Now with the mobile labs this is different, what you do is un-anchor and either
A. take it back to station and repackage to check for goodies
B. There are rumors that the only way to be 100% sure you will get bpo’s are to re-anchor labs at a tower you own. This could purely be a rumor or something more.
General description: This method has you preferably with a 3man team, or you can do this alone and multiboxing.
The process: First you need 4 things.
– 1 Tornado
– 1 scanning ship (Condor/Punisher) this ship will need a cargo scanner and some sensor boosters (passive targeter is up to you)
– 1 getaway vehicle. I use a prowler,but your getaway vehicle can be anything with a cargohold big enough to scoop the loot from someone you target.
– And last but not least you need a system. I recommend a system between Jita-Amarr.
I personally used Urlen.
Each ship will have its area to be at. the cargo scanner will be 1 jump further down the pipe eg my scanner would be in Sirppala and would relay the person and the value to the ganker. The ganker should be at a safe spot within 1 million km of the stargate and to be aligned. The getaway vehicle should be beside the ganker also aligned (after burner/mwd recommended)
Personal tip :
When I did this method I would have a jamming module on my Prowler and be in a duel with the Tornado, this was to “rake in” the bounty from the tornado loss from gate guns. Gank targets that placed a bounty on the Tornado would unwittingly give you upto 5% of the Tornado loss each time you ganked.
The takedown:
Having found a cargo m3 and isk value minimum (which is important) that you are able to live with eg a Prowler holds around 4,000 m3 so dont suicide someone carrying fifteen hulks or 100 federation comets. Don’t forget the isk value as well, From the suicide gank you need to repay the Tornado loss (70-90m depending on the fit) and remember that roughly 33% of loot drops. On top of security status tags. as you can see around 300million is where it gets profitable for this type of gank.
General description: This method can be done on any character with small amounts of combat skill points all the way up to perfect gunnery skills.
It will however require the character to be in the militia and will stop it from travelling anywhere with the usual highsec safety net.
The process: Firstly you need to find the isk/lp value of the item(s) that you are wanting to grind for, along with the volume that sells. after having done that you need 0.5 faction standing I believe (I could be wrong) with the faction you are wishing to join, you then need a t1/faction/pirate faction frigate to run the sites with.
If you are just there for the LP i recommend an Incursus as they have decent dps,a strong repair bonus and are cheap. other favourites have a utility highslot for a cloak for when you warp to a safespot to hide from the roaming gangs/pirates.
You will need to find a nice quiet system that you can grind down (preferably an attacking system) so you get the full bonus to lp. Remember that you can “plex” your allies system (in defence or as attacker) Each tier level up the faction goes so does the LP you gain per site. I personally made around 60-80m per hour in an Incursus with Minmatar.
General description: The forums can be a gold mine for the person willing to try out new things.
If you can come up with an idea that will make someones life easier they will pay!
The process: First you need to find something you are willing to do for isk that also helps someone else, think things like grinding missions for them to get perfect standings in Jita to refine/market trade and other odd jobs. I have sold free moons to players to place a pos near Jita and made nearly 500million isk for 2 moons advertising them on the forums. checking each moon for a tower and if not finding one simply towering yourself and advertising the system on the forum can bring in isk.
The takedown: They key to services on the forums is building up a brand and getting known. There is a reason why Chribba gets to do alot of 3rd party holdings.
Even if you are just selling ships you build like Police Pursuit Comets at a constant price and are quick to fill orders and can deliver people appreciate it and puts you a step closer when you open a new service you can link back to it!
And this brings us to our finale, a way that you can make isk and even be an annoyance/deny isk to corporations!
General description: This process involves a covert ops ship,some siphon units and scouting lowsec/nullsec (where ever you choose) if you have people you dislike you can deny isk to them and make isk yourself at the same time!
The process: Having found some R64 or R32 moons belonging to someone you don’t like simply placing a siphon unit on their moon mining pos destroys 10% of that moons income per hour,and places 50% of its income into the siphon. on a 10billion isk per month R64 moon this can add up quickly especially if you are persistent.
Firstly this is a “passive” method and as such the isk will be lower then the others.
The main thing to remember is the price of your siphon unit and the price of the moon goo that you receive from it. They will shoot it down sometimes quite quickly, sometimes not for a few days depending on the moon.
To become an even bigger annoyance you can ambush the person removing the siphon if they decide to use the frigate/destroyer that they manage the pos from. I’ve seen it several times where an Algos will coast out of the bubble and shoot the siphon. if you can land in an insta-cane or gank Catalyst you could kill the person and maybe even a pod! They then have to reship and come back and destroy the siphon. Imagine how annoying that might get day in day out. Will it bring a Co-alition to its knees? No. Will it hurt a corporation if they only have a couple of moons? Yes. You can always upscale it as well to place siphons on every R64/R32 moon in a constellation with your friends. Remember they have to destroy the siphon, so you know where they will be and that’s always a bonus. A lot of pos owners will even move over to the siphon to empty it before destroying it, which can also be used to your advantage. Think log off traps in a smartbombing Rokh ontop of the siphon.
Whats more is that as its passive you can do one of the other methods listed here while doing this method!
These are purely methods that I have tried and how I have done them, If you have a better/more refined way feel free to share in the comments section below 🙂
– CJ Benoit