This was originally written on Feyd’s Blog and if you enjoy the article we suggest you travel there and check out more of this work.
This will be the first in an ‘interesting people of EvE’ series, where yours truly goes bawls deep into the darker nooks and crannies of EvE life, by interviewing some of the other shadier characters that are out there.
First up is hisec terrorist Cannibal Kane..
Now Kane’s killboard clearly indicates he is both very naughty, and extremely successful at being so…
Yes spacefriends, just looking at this killboard brings tears to the eyes of yours truly. Ranked 760 overall throughout EvE with a kill:death ratio of 28:1, having killed 172 billion ISK in ships & pods for only losing 5.3 billion.
This dashing fellow (who is rumored to spend more ISK on hair products than ships) gets fucking results. Results mind you, that come without suicide ganking or camping trade hubs.
I had a chance to interview Kane:
F> “When did you first start playing EvE?
K> Kane was Born as a Capsule Pilot on 2010-11-01. I actually started with a different character a few days earlier and decided to go Amarr since I loved the look, feel and lore that I was reading about them.
F> So, what made you first join EvE, or more accurately what made you hang in during the initial WTF learning curve?
K> I was never into the whole MMO thing since the ones I tried such as StarTrek Online and WOW felt like they could have just made them single player games. With their instanced based Combat and Separate PVP functionality there just was no challenge. The other players in the game might as well have been NPC’s since I never really cared much about interacting with them if it meant nothing. Join to quest together? Fuck off…
So one night I was downloading a module for NWN and I noticed the Banner showing EVE Online. I had seen it many times before but never really cared since I never click on banner ads. I decided why not and have a look while I wait, looked at the info on the site decided to give it a try.
Hours later I subbed for a year.
The complexity is what made me sub. The WTF learning curve is not hard, it is if you don’t have the capacity to learn new things. I am sure I am going to get ‘UP YOURS’ from some on that point.
F> So how did you learn to pvp? I was fortunate myself to have a mentor…
K> I actually had a mentor… He was the CEO of a WarDec corp called Draga Lister (Also one of the Original members of the old Somali CoastGuard). They wardecced us and I was the only person actively trying to kill them, until I was able to do so. They were impressed by the tenacity of this noob trying to kill them and surviving so they invited me to join them.
F> What initially drew you into mercenary work specifically, and what keeps you there?
K> Simple answer… ISK. You got to make ISK somehow since Missioning and Indy is something I just do not do.
However I don’t really consider myself a Merc. Yes I do take ISK from people to do something at times, but I get more ISK from people to stop wars than from people asking me to declare them.
F> What are the main services you provide?
K> Just Wars… I might not be as big as some of the other guys but I focus on specific targets. I make life difficult for people to operate in space.
F> Hisec? Why hisec?
K> When I first started you will notice on my KB for the first few weeks I got kills in Low and Null. I found it extremely boring traveling with a bunch of people to engage another bunch of people. I left corp, packed my bags, moved to HS and joined a wardec corp called Geordie Freckles after which I started my 1 man war decs. I have been doing that ever since.
F> Do you have any specific stories of mercing or pvp hijinks you care to share? (Include/link chat logs for the win…)
K> Well the biggest one was my scamming of the Merc channel which netted me 13 Billion ISK and earned me a permanent BAN in that channel. It does not however stop people from using me to wardec people. I just never liked the concept of the Merc channel.
..Don’t get me started on that [s]abomination[/s] one…
For something more recent… I made a post about it in the Pirate Thread.
F> Some mercs and pirates follow a nebulous code of behavior like honoring ransoms. Whats your view?
K> I do not have a set rule in that regards. I am always calculating any future engagement I might have with said targets and then decide how to proceed. Sometimes I do honor ransoms, sometimes I don’t. I do however honor ransoms in wars, so once somebody pays me to retract a war I will honor that. A lot of the people that hire me were previous targets and therefore trust me enough since I did honor that first agreement.
F> What so far has been your big ‘white whale’ kill? The one you might have printed and framed in your home.
K> The most expensive kill I ever got was a Scorpion Navy Issue….
…Not only did I score a nice drop…
…but I also got 1 billion (in PLEX ransom) to retract my war against them.
F> So where do you see Kane in 1-3 more years of EvE life? What do you think you will be doing? Why?
K> Pretty much the same thing I do now.. each new change and expansion bring in it’s own changes and I cope and adapt accordingly. I am pretty easygoing and take things easy and casual.
One big change though…
As many know I have a big problem joining others Corps or Alliances. It is no secret that I like Control. So I decided to create my own Alliance called Cannibal Empire. I am hoping to grow that alliance.
F> If you could change one thing about EvE, what would it be?
K> More Ships…. That is all I really want.