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Updated: PWN’D: 23 Billion Vindicator Down in The Citadel.

July 1, 2014

Recently, Pasta Syndicate killed a Vindicator belonging to Azealea in Uotila (.6). The faction ship was in an Incursion fleet at the time she was killed and it was ganked while landing on a gate to start a new-incursion. The loot fairy was favorable to the fleet masterminded by Lacco with 16 Billion of T2, Deadspace, Officer, and Faction modules dropping.

When I contacted Lacco, the man behind the kill, he had this to say as well as Azealea they had this to say:


this kill was pretty amazing, because Pasta Syndicate’s “high-sec incursion” branch was formed up just day before the gank.

Our new corporation Sanchez’s Little Helpers deployed into the incursion area with ship scanners and handful of valuable information. We knew in advance some characters, and after a little surveillance, the target was acquired. The target is known alt of Noble Ranger, who is in leadership of the Incursion Shiny Network -community.

As much as we love the fact that loot was good, it’s also nice to deliver a blow to ISN. We are very much in favor of The Valhalla Project, since they are cool guys and we pretty much roll with them.

There will be more killings in the near future, so keep an eye out. Also Sanchez’s Little Helpers is open for applications.


Hello Hona,
First of all let me clarify that I have nothing to do with ISN other than knowing some pilots that fly with them, And I am not an Alt Char of Noble , really have no idea where that info came from but is totally false.
For sure a juicy kill but if these gankers say they roll with TVP they certainly made a mistake taking my ship out , I have never flown with ISN.
I have been singled out by multiboxing gankers before and looks to be the case again.

[ Kill Mail ]

Personally, I believe the odd Officer/Faction/Deadspace mod is ok, on an Incursion ship or mission running ship as long as the user takes the appropriate steps to ensure safety such as scouting the gate.

In this case as far as I can tell, the fleet blindly warped to the gate where the gankers intel allowed them to take the ship out. Should they have used a scout? Let us know in the comments.

– Hona Chaginai