Yesterday Against All Authorities managed to successfully lose a Nyx class super carrier in Northern Coalition.‘s staging system FAT-6P.
Apparently the Nyx was hunting. With his target being a nidhoggur class carrier who, according to the pilot Ninjistyle, had just “blind jumped into FAT at the beacon and was surprised to find himself tackled with a hostile nyx arriving on field.”
Thankfully the pilot of the trapped nidhoggur, even though he was doing logistics work, happened to be in a fleet already and managed to make them aware right away so it wasn’t log until DeathTax undocked in a sabre and acquired initial tackle as Ninjistyle himself boarded his own sabre he had in place inside his hold for this eventually.
Unfortunately although the nidhoggur didn’t last long with no hardeners active the friendly fleet, which was 2 mids away, managed to get back in short order with titans in tow making quick work of the adventurous risk taking nyx.
As is usually the case with these situations the nidhoggur has already been replaced and i’m sure the victim will happily have the same happen again!
Note: No contact was able to be made with the nyx pilot and if any is gained the post will be updated as required.