It appears that drama has struck The East India Co. – a smaller member of the N3 Coalition.
Kr0nin (EICO’s Alliance Leader) has kicked SSlink, the Co-CEO of EICO without any warning. At that point details where still unclear but SSlinks did post on EICO’s internal forums to explain his side of the situation:
In responce Kr0nin decided to send out a mail to his alliance:
Effective Immediately
From: kr0nin
Sent: 2014.06.24 20:53
To: The East India Co.,When Eico alliance was 1st formed it was supposed to be a close nit alliance with the emphasis on working as a team, being laid back and having fun. Over the last few months this has not been the case for the alliance and a lot of corps are really fed up with the elitist attitudes, The micro management of every aspect of corps and also the very condesending attitudes of most alliance fc’s. So Effective immediately the following changes will be made to the alliance. All alliance command apart from myself will be replaced.
Max Goldwing will be 2nd in command
Erg0 Proxy will be the Alliance Eu diplo
Kaobserver Will be the new Alliance Head FcWe will be removing Harbingers of Chaos Inc and Intergalactic Fight Club from the alliance, 72 hours blue standing will be given to each corporation to remove there assets from our space. We have also confirmed this with n3 and they have said it is ok. As long as we continue to participate in cta’s and coalition ops then we will remain part of the n3 coalition.
There will be other alliance positions made available to corporations and the alliance will be run as a democracy and not a dictatorship. The corporations that remain in the alliance have all agreed that we will get this alliance back to being a fun place to be.
Since some of the pilots being kicked have alts in the courier corp, EVERYONE needs to use collateral for the next 48hours, there will be no added charge for this during this time, in 48hours we will be kicking any alts that didnt leave on their own if their mains are not in EICO anymore.
Lets make the alliance great again !!!
Kr0nin, however, forgot that the corporation he booted had most of the N3 Coalition connections. Through these connections, N3 coalition was informed about the situation and started to SBU most of East India Co. Space. SSlink will be creating a new alliance to take over the old East India Co. space:
sslink: Ok guys, since I was kicked from the alliance without cause, notice, or warning, I am going to use the forums to update members on what is going on. The forums are currently open to all who have been registered to this point (i.e. we suspended the API checks through this mess).
Basically I logged on my holding corp toon today because I had an appointment with an NC member to transfer the sov from the space we just repo’d. I noticed I had no roles. I assumed it was some glitch, and logged other toons. I had roles in my corp on my alts, but no roles on my holding corp or exec corp toon. I then started poking Kr0nin.
He ignored me while he proceeded to use his control of those corps (left over from many months ago) to remove my roles from holding corp and exec corp, then kick HOCI and XIFX from the alliance. He then sent the mail you all got.
I then came into a channel in TS with him, and a handful of corps who said that there was some kind of alliance wide majority vote that everyone hates the direction we are going, they don’t like moon policies, API’s, and requirements to attend CTA’s. So they were kicking both of our corps, re-structuring alliance leadership, etc… They alleged they had N3 backing, but this is either A) an outright lie, or B) extreme naivety based on misrepresentations made to the one person they spoke to.
As you can see, SBU’s are going up in our systems as we speak. The N3 will be (if necessary) grinding back the space and then transferring it to the new alliance we just formed. Most corps who were in EICO will be welcome to move forward with us, a handful will not (though individual members may be offered a home).
The newly formed alliance will continue doing exactly what we have been doing to get here. We will continue to try to find the right balance between enjoyment and a good culture, while serious and professional enough to play on the level we are on (and growing to). The corps who are invited to join the new alliance (again most) and stay in our space will see almost exactly what you have seen over the last six months, hopefully less whining, and a slightly stronger emphasis on PVP.
I would like to also point out that the so called leaders of the new EICO are suddenly unavailable to discuss this, and to work out a more peaceful resolution. I do not wish ANY mainline member of ANY corp to be harmed by this bullshit. If Kr0nin simply undoes what he pulled this morning, hands EICO (and the ~40b in isk he just seized control of) back over to the people who have been running it, then even those corps who will be asked to leave will be given full opportunity to remove all assets, and part in peace. If not, this space will be back in control of the heart of what we have been and will continue to be in a matter of days.
Personally I am very offended, and feel extremely betrayed by Kr0nin, and those select few who chose to support him in this ill conceived, and failed attempt to undo what we have accomplished over the last six months. That said, I am setting all that aside to try to sort this as best I can so as few are hurt as possible. I (and a small group of others) have been busting our asses to make us what we are, and what we are becoming. I have pushed hard for an enjoyable culture, and have ALWAYS taken input and feedback. That said, not every decision is going to be the most popular (like API requirements), but they are necessary for where we are going.
So ultijmately this will amount to a major carebear hose cleaning, with a name change. Most of us will continue to live in this same space, doing the same things that have gotten us to where we are. Anyone who thinks they can sit around and carebear all day, barely PVP, constantly complain and bicker over petty issues of isk, sit absent and on your ass for months on end and call yourself alliance leadership, and are unwilling to make minor sacrifices (such as the same API requirement of any alliance of our size and position), this is a good time to move along. For those who want to be part of an alliance who lives in our quality sov space, who is free to PVE and make isk, but asked to remember that in the end we are a team oriented PVP alliance, and that some sacrifices must be made to play on the level we are on, we will move forward under the new banner.
Obviously I have tons of convos and shit going on, but will be chatting with most of you individually about the direction you would like to go. Whether you choose to move forward with us or not, there will be no hard feelings (with only a couple exceptions), and I will make sure that you have access to your assets.
Edit: And THIS is what you can see from the so called new Head FC…. wow. Seriously though guys, you should dock up and safe up while standings get sorted.”
This drama appears to have when Sslink and another guy Rheagar got a stronger grib of the alliance. Kr0nin was fine with this because of RL. Some unpopulair changes were made by this ”new team” within the alliances, Corp API’s and Full APIs for the alliance, not corperations not beeing allowed to have their own refining operation but instead having to refine in an alliance held system (For tax purposes) and corps were required to inform command of all their assets. These changes + the noumber of complaints made Kr0nin decide that it was time to take back control.
He removed both SSLinks and Rheagars roles and Erg0 Proxy was appointed new Alliance Diplo. He then decided to contact the N3 coalition and their initial responce was positive. Thats when it all changed… Rheagar and SSlinks contacted Nullie and quickly things went down south for the new (old) East India leadership. Nulli Responded by dropping SBUS in Space and bannded all old members such as Erg0 Proxy of their Teamspeak..
Information is still pretty sketchy so we will update you once we know more!