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Kronos 1.1 suffers a minor delay

June 4, 2014

Shortly after every EVE Online expansion follows an update to fix any bugs which have been introduced. This is nothing unusual the very nature of such a complex game as EVE Online means that introducing bugs is almost inevitable as there is only so much testing that can be feasibly completed in the time available.

What is unusual however is that the release hasn’t gone live today even following CCP Falcon announcing yesterday that the Guristas Data Sequences would be added to the market today. This means that players are unfortunately still unable to trade the Data Sequences, this ultimately reduces the supply of the new Mordus ships with less data sequences making it to null sec to be redeemed for ship BPCs.

There are some other changes coming too most importantly fixes to the spawning mechanics of the Contested Covert Research Facilities which are not consistently despawning. The whole of the patch notes for the Kronos 1.1 coming tomorrow are reproduced below:

  • Fixed an issue where hacked containers would block access after they had been hacked and not accessed for a while.
  • Fixed an issue where COSMOS sites were not respawning their loot.
  • Added the data sequence to the market, this can now be bought and sold.
  • Reduced the timer in the Contested Covert Research Facility and fixed the issue where the site may not despawn after hacking success.

Hopefully all is well and Kronos 1.1 will be released without a hitch tomorrow, this should help push the Barghest price down from 3bil to something more affordable for the average player within a matter of a couple of weeks.

Update: The Guristas Data Sequence has actually hit market the patch notes were simply not updated to reflect this. Currently trading in region of 1.7mil per unit.

– Danny Centauri

I’m Danny Centauri an EVE player on and off since 2006, my most recent return to EVE being April 2014. I’ve recently been on a break from EVE Online due to work commitments since fall 2013 but the upcoming Kronos release was enough to drag me back to game to update Eve Manufacturing and try and turn a profit during the biggest industry update in EVE history.