As the HERO coalition have continued their slow conquest of Catch from Against ALL Authorities, the focal point of most of ‘major’ nullsec pvp has slowly shifted to Catch – and to a lesser extent, Providence. The effect of this general migration – NCDot from Esoteria, various lesser N3 entities from their various regions, and PL/Sniggwaffe from lowsec – has been seen in the last few weeks in several large fights in both Providence and Catch.
The most striking example of the aforementioned gravitation of most relevant pvp alliances to the area surrounding Catch is the most recent brawl in V-3YG7. Around 20:00 ET, NCdot had formed approximately 75 BraveCats – Heavy Missile Caracals specifically made to not overship HERO and not get fights- with assorted support and bridged into GE-8 before jumping into V-3 and promptly probing down, and warping onto, the waiting HERO Ugly Ducklings.
Over the course of the next hour and fourty-five minutes, approximately 915 ships (mainly t1 cruisers and BCs) were destroyed in a largely lag free battle. The participants of all sides expressed their pleasure with the battle, though NCdot pilots began berating Nulli Secunda in local following the headshot of the HERO FC shortly after their unexpected arrival in the battle, essentially ending the fight for all parties involved.
Following the battle, a topic sprung up on the BRAVE subreddit discussing the heroic (pardon the pun) efforts of their logistics pilots and the frequency with which caracals alpha’d moas off field due to inadequate broadcasting. Which, so it seems, goes to show that in the thunderdome that is Catch – everyone wins. Killmails for those that hold the field and lessons to those that lose.
A video of the battle from the perspective of an NCDot BraveCat pilot: