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NPC Wyvern Down to the hands of Pandemic Legion

May 21, 2014

Last night an NPC-corp Wyvern died at the hands of Pandemic Legion.

Pandemic legion scouts had noticed a Wyvern flying around in range of their super fleet and so started to do some research. They found out that the player was ex Darkness of Despair (Russian alliance) and that he was trying to sell his Wyvern. Knowing that he would likely log in at some point a locator was ran on him. The locator came up with the system called Nazhgete, and so Hics were burned over.

The wait began… Hours after the first find he finally logged in. Quickly PL launched their probes and started scanning. Within seconds they had him pinpointed and the hictors were warped over…

Hictors landed on top of the wyvern and they quickly grabbed point. By now the Wyvern must have know he was in trouble and if he wasn’t then he was now because PL lit their cyno and jumped in their super fleet. The Wyvern didn’t stand a chance against the power of the super fleet and so he died within minutes.


there is currently no video up of this kill but once it is I will update this article!