Brand new corporation Rolled Out starts in style with a classic brawl in their home wormhole. Rolled Out are a new US/Au TZ wormhole PvP corporation founded as a group breaking off from Sky Fighters. “We wanted to do something a little different. We had gotten too big and couldn’t get the fights”.
Thirty minutes of fighting and two capitals down on both sides. Nine ships lost to Rolled Out (RO) and six ships lost to Hard Knocks (HK).
So what actually happened? I spoke to the FCs from both fleets, Key Dett from Rolled Out and NoobMan from Hard Knocks.
Rolled Out scouts were checking the chain when they found Hard Knock’s home wormhole ‘Rage’. After getting a report on numbers, Key Dett decided to take a T3 armour fleet down the chain and knock on their door. Greetings were passed between FCs and a ping went out to the Hard Knocks players. Pulling themselves away from their latest hobby ‘Space Engineers’, they quickly formed a sizeable fleet.
[ 2014.05.07 00:58:42 ] Key Dett > give us a sec
[ 2014.05.07 01:01:27 ] Key Dett > we don’t have the numbers for that
[ 2014.05.07 01:01:39 ] Key Dett > we can fight here but not there
[ 2014.05.07 01:06:13 ] NoobMan > I only have a handful of people
[ 2014.05.07 01:06:24 ] Key Dett > lol you have 16 tech 3s
[ 2014.05.07 01:06:33 ] NoobMan > you asked me to ping lol
[ 2014.05.07 01:06:41 ] Key Dett > I know I know
Feeling outnumbered, Rolled Out retreated to their home wormhole and Hard Knocks followed, with a decision to ready two Naglfars in Rage. Rolled Out, in turn, readied capital pilots on the log-in screen. The fight went down in Rolled Out’s home wormhole (a C5-C5 Magnetar) on the static. Magnetar wormholes are especially dangerous with added effects of +85% to Damage and a -41% to Targeting Range, Tracking Speed, Drone Velocity and Missile explosion velocity. A Hard Knocks HIC jumped in and bubbled up, followed by the Hard Knocks subcap fleet, and soon after, one Archon and the Rolled Out subcap fleet warped in.
The fight started with the one Archon and thirteen subcaps on the Rolled Out side and twenty-six subcapitals on the Hard Knocks side. NoobMan, on his first day as Operations Director (FC Coordinator), called in the Naglfars.
We had fought these guys a couple of times back when they were Sky Fighters. And every time they had jumped into our home. So they were like ‘It’s your turn’. So i was like ‘That’s fine, that’s fair’. (NoobMan)
Bringing in the two Naglfars closed the wormhole, committing the Hard Knocks side to the field. With the added fire power the Rolled Out Archon died quickly and subcaps were being lost. Key Dett called the capitals to log in and enter the fray and enter they did. Three Moroses and two Naglfars entered the field. Under this overwhelming dps the Hard Knocks Naglfars were lost, but not before taking down the Moros of Henreayyyyy Andven and the Proteus of the Rolled out FC, Key Dett. New recruit to corp, Luthar Huss, warped his Archon in to apply reps and stabilize the situation, whilst Key prepared to reenter the fray on an Archon alt. Hard Knocks subcaps played well, keeping under the dread guns and nearly downing another Moros before quitting the field.
Good fights were put in local and in true wormhole style, Rolled Out gave them passage out to K-space.
NoobMan reflects on the battle ‘I was quad boxing that fight. Props to Kevlar for calling targets during the fight and tanking like a boss in a geddon’.
Rolled Out have certainly ‘rolled out’ and are ready to pvp. As Key Dett says “we will go wherever the fight is”. Keep an eye on these guys!
From the Hard Knocks Side:
Hard Knocks Video
From the Rolled Out side:
Rolled Out Video
Thanks go to NoobMan and Key Dett for interviews.
– TwilightsDawn