This was so good (or so bad) it had to be made news. Have a listen and a smile.
NickFuzzeh4 was asked by CCP Dolan to recreate an EVE song with airhorns with the promise that the song would be blasted over the intercom in CCP Headquarters.
βI believe Below the Asteroids is one of the most popular songs in Eve, so I went with that. I made the song in around three hours back in February 2014 and sent it off to him. I didn’t hear a word back from him, but decided to upload it just at the start of Fanfest for the hell of it.β (NickFuzzeh4)
βIt’s not so much a hobby, more of a joke that arose from using Mumble. Basically, I never used my mic to talk on Mumble. Instead, I used a soundboard of weird sounds to communicate. I needed a yes/agree sound for the soundboard and probably one of the most funniest sounds I could think of was the stereotypical airhorn sound that you hear in literally every dance / trance / house / whathaveyou song. So I used that and eventually it just stuck as a weird sound that gave people laughs. Then, I decided one day, to tune the airhorns to the Top Gun theme, thus TopHorn was born.From then, I just throw together half-assed songs with airhorns and people seem to like it, which is great.β (NickFuzzeh4)
Nick sends his apologies for taking this once beautiful track and killing it with airhorns. Enjoy.
– TwilightsDawn